With Liverpool, Barcelona and now Bayern Munich confirmed to be looking for new managers ahead of the 2024-25 season, Joe, Michael and Sam discuss their perfect replacements for Klopp, Xavi and Tuchel!

But it’s not just those European titans who will be under new management soon. England need to replace Gareth Southgate after Euro 2024, Bayer Leverkusen need a succession plan for Xabi Alonso with both Liverpool and Bayern circling, while Napoli are onto their third manager of the season and may have to find another by the summer!


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Welcome back to Sunday Vibes one and all It's me it's sorry what's going on over There it's Sam Abasi and it's mik m Cabin how are you mate I'm good man I'm Good good happy to be here I feel like I Haven't done a video with you in ages I I've been deliberative you bud really You don't miss me n trash opinions i' Keep you cannot talk about trash Opinions they have been they've been Arguing for the last half an hour while We've been setting that we'll continue Onto this show I think because are some Meaty topics to get into Mikey how are You mate I'm good thanks I'm good do you Enjoy Do's wedding have you already Spoken about that channel I L uh yeah I Spoke about it briefly with with uh James Wayne on on Monday uh yeah it Great uh great wedding um yeah doie and Grace are you know a lovely couple to The best you know best c one of the Maybe the best couple I there actually Just both lovely people but on top of That they just threw a great party it Was a really good party um yeah sad sad You weren't there I I liveed for you Yeah it it was I saw I saw the samba um The samb Sber Cinderella that was beautiful still you Know they both you know they both bought Sambers as a surprise for each Other thing it's legendary probably

Wearing sambers on on The Flipping he's Wearing s he wears no other trainers Does he so that's the only pair of Trainers he's owned for the last 16 Years I think he said something that so We are really cooking now anyway it's Time to talk about some football because This week has been plenty of news hasn't There about managers managers coming Managers going we've seen the news that Thomas tuku is officially going to be Leaving Bayern Munich at the end of the Season so today we're going to be Looking at Replacements for some of the Top gigs Liverpool's going to be Available Barcelona's going to be Available Bayern Munich's going to be Available you think Leverkusen is Probably going to be available England Might be available we're going to run Through a number of different teams and Give our propositions of candidates First and foremost let's start with by And I want to get your reaction on the Thomas tuul news do you think it is Sensible to say publicly a manager is Leaving at the end of the season when He's in a title race and he is battling On European Fronts no probably not I don't either Probably not um that seems like the Logical answer doesn't it and and more So it's the fact that on Monday they were saying that they're not

Even thinking about they're backing him Like they they'll make a decision at the End of the season Essentially um but it just seems That it just feels like Bayern over the Last I guess 18 months has become more And more circus-like with the kind of The information that gets leaked out to The media about you know like yeah like At the end you know by the end of the Weekend it was like yeah bar were Officially saying that tuckle you know They weren't thinking about attacking Tuckle but all the reports were Suggesting that it was that they were Already trying to line up jabbi Alonzo Um as his replacement and in some ways It feels like the Klo news at Liverpool Maybe started you know getting Um you know started started Reverberating around the club and you Know there there was maybe thinking of Like okay actually we you know if we are Going to line up an ideal successor then We need to kind of get a move on because Liverpool clearly have been you know Making an approach for jabu Alonzo as Far as far as we know um so yeah it just Feels all a bit Panic stations at bar at The moment especially after a week in Which they lose three games in a row in In the fashion in which they lose them Um so yeah basically yeah you know That's not really an excuse it's it's

Definitely not a wise decision Especially with someone like Thomas Tuckle who um you know C you know great Manager but can be you know can be a Difficult character um the players have Been so unsettled at that club now for You know since nman was there um so yeah It doesn't bode well for the end of the Season it kind of stinks of a club that That have almost given up on the season You know like do do you think do you Think that tukul actually makes it I Know they' said we're going to Part Way End of the season do you actually think Tukul makes it no I think I think he Makes it but I think the reason why they Announced it at the time that it did was Because those three losses were probably More damning than like anything that's Happened since he's been there obviously They've had losses they've they've gone Out of cups they've lost finals um They've had shock results as well but I Think the manner of the losses but also The energy around the club is at a point Where they're probably seeing you think It's going to get better knowing having A manager there that knows he's leaving Not better but naturally if I'm a player And I know that the manager I don't like Is is leaving and I know that the next Manager is going to be watching me from This period because they're obviously Having those conversations I'm going to

Try and put my best foot forward rather Than if I knew that Tu was going to be There beyond the summer I can just I'm Just going to be in the same mindset and Just play how I'm playing and I think Where they see that there's other big Jobs available they want to almost put Themselves in that same Market just so They they can almost be in that Conversation with those man get get into Why not sck him and get inter I don't Think I don't think there's an interim Available that could cuz T's not a dead Manager like it's just not worked out at Bayern like and even though the mean I Mean actually on on in many respects Tuckle has made Bayern better than they Were last year like they were lucky to Win the Bundesliga last year like Defensively they were an absolute mess Under nlman yes they had you know Investment in the way of Kim and Jay and And Harry Kane in the summer and you Know those were two of their problem Positions last year um but overall I Think tuckle has made them a more Cohesive attacking unit he's got some of The best football of lero Leroy San's Career out of him when he struggled at Points under the previous two managers So I think we do yeah we do need to give Tickle a bit of respect there 100% leus Are doing a Madness like they're Actually unbeaten the only unbeaten top

Side in Europe like you can't if like if You look at what Bayern are doing I saw Some stat recently where it said that t Call compared to Pep's um Seasons at Bayern at this point he's got more Points than than pep did um and you're Think thinking about and you're saying Okay cool normally If This Were a Regular season that we've seen Bay have In previous years they will probably be Top but lusen are doing a Madness so you Can't I'm I can understand people being Upset about you know maybe the the Players not being too happy with kimich Gar Müller and these man and players That have been there for a long time but He's not doing he's not doing as bad as It may seem just because he's saying He's leing he's doing a good job though He's not doing a good job like let's Have it right this Bayern Munich team as Many points as they might have accured At this stage there are massive Fractures in that dressing room clearly Um but do you not think that's still a Hangover from the pre you know from from The nman too much I think partly but Then I also think that some of you know T's reasoning and explanation behind Selections hasn't totally made sense to Me you know the benching and the Continued benching of Matias delig in Flavor of Eric Dyer at times since Coming in doesn't make a massive sense

To me I think some of the treatment of Leon goreta in how he's been kind of Publicly chastised at times at the club Hasn't made a great deal of sense to me Clearly there's a been a large Fallout With Joshua kimick behind the scenes who Has been you know a front and center Fantastic player at face of Bayern Munich for sort of the last half a Decade I don't that's a particularly Great look and look I think Thomas Tu Was a Fabulous Coach I really do but I Don't think he has improved enough of The players at Bayern Munich yeah since Nlman left to Warrant much more time Than he's been given to be honest with You I'm a little bit surprised that They're going to give him to the end of The season it has to be said I think That Thomas tuu is a great coach I think He will jump straight back into another Major job but I think it's a pretty Toxic situation there if I was a player And I knew that coach was leaving and I Didn't get on with that coach I'd have Very little motivation I think to to Perform but The Season's not completely Gone like yes they're eight points Behind reminds me a little bit of like When ragn came to United and it was kind Of like well the players know they Coming in the summer and it's kind of Like they still have a lot to play for They're one nil down in their Champions

League tired they're eight points behind L who have been almost perfect they like Obviously we are not going to expect Leusin to just fly until and win the League they're probably going to have a Dip at some point yeah yeah so you're Going to want a manager that is capable Of handling that pressure yes he's not Been able to play the best football but He's got we're talking about Harry Kane That came to Bayern Munich and he's Broke most of the records but how can You believe in him if he says you're not Doing a good enough job I just go you're Leaving anyway so why do I care what you Think but you these are professionals Though do you know I mean it's easy to Say that man I think it's very easy to Down for players to down tools now very Very easy I don't know I don't know I I Think I think the advantage is that this Is a Bayern Munich side which actually You know they have had trouble with Previous managers that dressing room but Partly it's because there are still There are still so many experienced Players there like the likes of kimick Müller they get on with the manager do They kimick openly has had battles with The manager when he came up at the Weekend he was having an absolute Slanging match with the whole other Coaching staff but but but equally they Are they are the kind of team and it

Reminds me a little bit of maybe like Old real older Real Madrid sides where There's enough players in there where They they they can manage themselves a Little bit like even if the manager even If there's Discord between the team and The manager I would still back byon in The majority of games between now in the End of the season be able to be able to Manage themselves but in the big moments In the big games like and when and when Things go wrong I think they're just Just don't understand how you can have a Manager there that players are actively Against half the dressing room doesn't Like and you know he is leaving so the Players that do like him have no real Reason to kind of play out of their skin For him because he's leaving anyway and The players that don't like him well He's leaving anyway I hear what you're Saying but that's that's what I was Saying ear earlier they're actually not Doing that bad yes they're not playing The best football and you'd expect more From Bayern Munich but when you look on Paper and their results that like They're not things unraveling that's the Point isn't it but I don't some some but Some of the results for example the game That they lost um their last their last League game year if Harry Kane scores That second goal that that whole game is Going to be different do you know what I

Mean and then the narrative is going to Be different it's those small moments When things aren't going in your favor And those go against you then yeah the Whole narrative changes but from fans Perspective it's been building to that Hasn't it it's been building although They've been accumulating points they've Not been playing well like underneath Underneath It All there have been kind Of a Litany of issues just slowly Bubbling and building up to this point This is the crescendo and the answer to It is well he's going leave in six Months time so yeah and it's it's Indicative not just of tuckle of the Whole operation at bar this is the most Unstable bar have ever been Bes the Scenes they didn't get a sporting Director in until the day a deadline day Last summer um you know they they failed To you know sign their number one Target In Joel pinho they targeted a number of You know defensive midfielders last Summer and it didn't work you know you Look at like you know they could have Just got Endo in from stutgart like he's Done great at Liverpool hasn't he like They could have got him in on a deal Like it just was so Uncoordinated um and and you know yeah Surprise surprise Midfield you Central Midfield has been uh bn's weakest AA of The field this year so it's indicative

Of a club that you know was so so Watertight for so many years was such a Strong institution and you know over the Last you know 18 months two years have Unraveled a bit in terms of those key Positions at the top of the club um so They are in transition tuckle I think is Is is as much a victim of that as he has Shot himself in the in the foot but Should we get on to possible Replacements for him yeah possible Replacements we each going to pitch a Name is that how we want to go like you Want to just run through suggestions I Feel like I feel like maybe run through Suggestions because I think we might Have the same the same name yeah I I Think Roberto Derer it would be an ideal candidate for Bayern Munich here I really think that Bayern Munich what they potentially Missed in the last 18 months um and for A little while now actually I think They've they've kind of missed quite a Clear identity they're a little bit Muddled in what they're thinking how They're playing I think Roberto derer is Ready to step up to a big Club fairly Soon and I think by jumping almost now Or like trying to make those moves Behind the scenes if I was by Munich I Would start now because I think that Deserie you know Liverpool going to be Interested I'm pretty sure Barcelona are

Going to be very interested in him he's Had real issues kind of off the field This season to contend with you know I Think Chelsea now taken 11 staff members Haven't they players and staff from Behind the scenes from Brighton Sam Juwel the latest to go this week the Head of recruitment obviously pauln Stanley's there Lawrence Stewart's there As well so the back room operations been Kind of ripped up a little fun fact Because when I saw Sam Jules face on on The thing I was like he looks very Familiar Paul jel son that Paul yeah Paul jeel of wig and athletic Fame I Love it so classic mid 2000s he's had Major injury problems hasn't he this Season you think if the lik of s March Bear played a minute Bome has been Injured at stage while Pedro is injured Now he had the sale of both midfielders In the summer in kaiso and mallister and I'm aware that you know Tony Bloom has Kind of laid out and there's been Reports this week saying he's really Going to try and take it to the next Level in the summer he's going to go After major targets and I think to a Level kind of pro that when he was able To bring an Anu fatty that he can go to The big tables and say we're here to Compete for big Names but I just wonder like how far Does derer think he can take this

Brighton project like he's got at the Moment seven at the moment I think he's Quite a frustrated guy naturally though Like I think he's quite sort of Punchy He's very very keen to succeed isn't he They're seventh at the moment he's Already got on European football I think They could go pretty deep in the Europa League we haven't seen this week's Result of course but you know they're One of the strongest sides in that Competition in terms of coaching and Talent level I think Liverpool going to Be hard to beat as well as are Leverkusen but I think they could go Deep right I wouldn't want to draw them Across two legs Brighton that's for sure So if maybe there is just a hint or Mumbling that that maybe oh you know People are leaving behind the scenes my Players have being sold maybe I've taken Them as far as I can I would pull the Trigger really early on deseria if I was Bayern Munich because I know that chabby Lonzo is the hot property and the guy Right now but I think there were very Similar sort of trademarks across the Two sides in how they build up from the Back you know you talk you look at what Pep guarda was saying about the Zerby Not 12 months ago calling his style of Football and how he implemented that Playing out from the back system the Best in the world they build up really

Nicely he's implemented young players I Think that derer would be amazing for Bayern Munich if they could pull the Trigger early and I can get him I agree I think I think with these with these Jobs that we're going to talk about There's going to be a few managers that Are going to be capable of doing a good A good job there yeah but I think in Terms of the culture and what is needed At Bayern Munich because remember we've Talked about two managers that have come In and haven't really fit what you're Expecting from a Bayern Munich or what What the board would expect expect from A Bayern Munich manager yes the results Can be there nmon was getting the Results his win ratio was incredible two CA why he won the league in the last Game of the season this season's not Like yeah yeah we're saying football but Results wasse but I think the reason why I'd say jabbi Alonzo is the their number One pick and is most likely going to go There and they're going to push for him Heavy is because the fact that he's Playing in the league already he they're Already seeing on a week toe basis how Tactically versatile he is how young he Is as well and the fact that he can grow And probably play he has played with Some of the players that in that team Something that they they already have in Him as well is him knowing what Bayern

Munich is about as an ex player he knows What a manager is needed to do there do You think they can get him do you Honestly think they get I think so I Think so I think it's probably we spoke About this off a year if if we're Looking at the his trajectory as a Manager that is probably the best step That he can take in terms of knowing the League just being upgraded players and Being in a system that he already knows He's going to go into the Bayern Munich Training ground and everywhere know who He's speaking to knowing the players Already already Deming that respect he's Done it he's won the Bundesliga yeah but That's but you can't tell me that's Theoretically but that's what I'm saying Like going to Bayern Munich is a Different Beast like even pep guardo has Talked about Bayern Munich being one of The toughest jobs he's had because they Expect you to win they expect you to go Far in the Champions League that's a Different challenge you can't you can't Say it's the same as playing at lusen Where you're The Underdogs because even If they win the League this season Next I wouldn't I wouldn't because I Think it makes sense it makes sense for It's it's a natural career progression He doesn't have to move too far he Already knows the team he already knows What they want and and what it is to

Play for them as a player as well so I Think I think that makes perfect sense I Think he would be a bit harsh on lus if If I was a lusen fan and he dips from us To go to Bayern after taking the title From Bayern Munich for the first time in The club's history you know finally kind Of eradicating the nusen factor I I Would be a bit mythed like I would be Sitting there going this is just Ridiculous I think it would be a real Kind of black mark against the Bundesliga as well that you know the Oneye buying don't win it they just go And take the outstanding coach I think In the same manner it would have been if Klopp had gone there when he won it with Dortmund I think it would have been Pretty disappointing to be honest with You from an entertainment perspective And I just think that once you've won The Bundesliga with Bayern with Bay Leverkusen I almost feel like winning it With Bayern is like everybody's kind of Like uh okay you wanton it with with Bayern I understand he could go and Create a dynasty there blah blah blah But for me he's done the Bundesliga he's Completed if he wins it with lusen I Think that Liverpool is a far more Attractive proposition to him and for Him I think the squad might even be Better set up to a level like certainly More youthful it certainly got more um

It certainly got like the next five Years planned out for it better I think I think the fullbacks would be really Excit chab Lonzo system I think that he Would be welcomed and probably given More time at Liverpool I think think Liverpool fans if things went slightly Wrong first season he would kind of have The it's hard to follow Klo he's a young Manager if you go to Bayern I think it's Or get off the toilet you got to win That Bundesliga right away you've got to Be competing deep in the Champions League as Thomas T found out as Julian Nlman who was in a very very similar Position to chabby Alonzo by the way When he went from leig as the Outstanding young coach in the Bundesliga competing for the Bundesliga Title playing the best brand of football In the league went to buy an eaten up Spat out I I I'm not saying that would Happen with ch I think Liverpool's a way More exciting option I completely agree Yeah but I'm just talking in terms of Bayern Munich if you're if you're Talking about what they need next they Need a figure like jabbi alono they need Someone that is going to come in that Knows knows the system knows the Surrounding knows the board players can Believe in him he's tactically versatile He'll get the best out of different Different players he will he will bring

An excitement to the the the team that Not just the fans like but the players Like as well and I think that that's What they've just been missing like Obviously a different mun I mean he left In 2017 like it is a different Bayern Munich to the one that he Lefts terms of the back terms of the Hierarchy um but I think from a bar Perspective I think ja I think jabbi is Probably still the best fit in that at He I mean a big advantage that he played With a few of the players who he would Be taking over from and he would be a Bit more on the level of that of the More senior figures in the dressing room Which I think would would solve the Dressing room issue actually because I Think there would be a lot of mutual Respect there um um just quickly before We move on I'll I'll suggest one name Who I know you're going to suggest for Another club later but just from kind of Hearing your conversations there I think Simone and zagi could be quite a good World card CH for like just it feels Like more so than jabby more so than Deser it feels like the right time in His career because he's he did the well He did you know the real hard work at Lazio where like on a limited budget in Difficult circumstances he made them one Of the most functional and actually at Times one of the most entertaining teams

In Italy um you know really revived the Career of of someone like cherro mile Launched the career of a player like Sergey minkovich Savage like you know Revived Lucas terrera uh not Lucas Terr Sorry Lucas um Lucas Laver um you know The amount of success stories at latio Was a lot and you know deservedly got That into job in a really Again Difficult circumstances with con leaving With Lukaku leaving um and you know now They are probably among the three or Four best footballing teams in Europe Yeah um by far the best team in Italy Now which you know given that they lost Down on that title to Milan like Psychologically is a big thing to come Back from um you know made the two now To Milan and napol if you think about it L um and yeah like to come back from That and also yeah to to make the Champions League final last year you Know on fancied side doing that um you Know to beat Milan so comfortably in the Semifinal um I I just feel like he's got Pedigree in multiple competitions now Especially the Champions League thing is A big thing yeah um and the C Italia won It at Lazio he won it two years on the Bounce at inter you know like you said I Think not nothing made of how attractive They can be playing football as well Really really attractive like his so Nice to watch yeah his the the way that

Inter they're so kind of patient but They're quite you know they they zip the Ball around quickly but they're very They're really not afraid to just like You know play it on to the wing then Like go back to the center backs but Then zip it in you know yeah what he's Done with shalad Ogo we've spoken a lot About it the last month so I won't go Into it too much but that has been Remarkable um and yes like the inter Like in amid Financial constraints Inter's transfer strategy has been Absolutely brilliant like the amount of Great free transfers they've got in over The last year it's been you know yeah It's just like you know what juuve were Doing 10 years ago essentially so you Know he'd have to adapt to Bon where you Know things aren't quite smooth but like I do still think B will be better in Some ways it would be good to have just A fresh face like a a non-german manager You know someone who who's you know Really bossed another League to come in And yeah get give give them a little bit Of a makeover um And and also and also he's like quite Set like it's not like you know yeah in To play really attractive football at The moment and I back him to do so at BN But like he's tactically flexible like He he's he's been good in in at two Clubs which you know other manag have

Found hard to manage at like he's he's Been good both in managing players and Managing up as well so um so yeah I Think he's a really solid choice for for Anyone to I I could suggest him for a Number of teams here but I think Bayern Uh Bayern is potentially the best the Best fit for him in terms of his career Think they're all going to end up trying To go for chabby aren't they like Bayern Of course B is going to try and go for Chabby my prediction is they miss out on Into Liverpool and then they are Scrambling no I think they get him I Think they get him especially if what What Umber but it's early days though isn't It I don't shabby makes a decision until I get you but you guys you guys need to Really understand like the psychological Thing of already being in Germany and That being like a natural I feel like It's a natural step up even like as play As as as players if they're playing for Lus it's not natural because he's going To have to come to a league that is way Harder adapt to whole like it's going to Be exper he's experienced the league he Knows the area he's lived there in the Past his family have lived there in the Past it's just not the same though it's Just not the same I I genuinely see him Going to to B Liverpool next should we Do Liverpool next let's do Liverpool

Next where I think chabby Alonzo is Definitely going to end up I would be Extremely surprised toam end up at by And we've already spoken about that Though and I think it'd be a great fit For this Liverpool system and this Liverpool side I think when you come Through the door as somebody who is Following like a great or a goat in the Form of Jurgen klopp I think you have to Have a number of things going your way And pulling your way to get the fans Onite early you've got to play Attractive football and in in an Ideal World you've got to be in some way Connected to the club I think we've seen When managers haven't had a connection To the club or haven't played Particularly attractive football that Have followed great let's say David Moyes and unai Emery as two clear Examples unai Emery some good results Didn't play great football David Moyes Not great results not great football Neither of them had the foundation and The backing historically to stand on I Think if chabby Alonzo started slowly he Would still have fans on side and Support because of what he did as a Player at Liverpool I think that plays a Large Ro disagree Liverpool fans love Him he they do and I completely Understand that but if they go from Let's say hypothetically yeah Liverpool

Win the league or they they win the Kaka For the FA Cup yeah if they go from that To jabbi Alonzo coming in and it takes Him a few months to get going fine fine Abely it's not going to of course last Last season they were barely in the League for for a long time the season You know what I mean they they they were Patient enough with klopp in in in some Really bad there's a reason for him There's a reason for that there's a Reason for that caliber of manager Coming in to he's not going to come in To just find his feet and take however Long it takes that's what klopp did That's what klopp did klopp came in F His feet took a little look at the team That klopp had I'm talking about the Team Liverpool currently had a Transitional team you have to admit it's A transitional team and lipo fans are PR But klopp has proven and that's the Thing if they get that DM klopp has Proven that this squad is able to Challenge for the title challengeing the C cup FA Cup champions league when They're in it they're going to be able To do that so if jabby Alonzo comes in Now and he's not A they know that it's going to be a step Back next season even if it's a small Step back and this is why I think the The manager that they should go for is The person that you said that should go

To Bayern Munich I think I think the Zerby would be really good at Liverpool I mainly say that because football is Brilliant he already knows the Premier League I feel like he is hungry for that Next step up but also like the The Next Step Up of caliber of player yes he's Really good at like improving players And he's he's proven that he can get Youngsters in and make them good and the Brighton systems working but I think With the current team that Liverpool Have and the type of manager he is I Think Liverpool fans would end up loving Him because he's energetic he speaks his Mind in interviews and that is certain Traits that clock done that do you but Do you want the guy like do you want Somebody who is basically you know on The touch line a little bit clop light Like that is really I feel like lipo Heres deser comparisons are very easy Whereas when you bring in a polar Opposite who's very measured very calm With the touch line speaks very sort of Calmly to the Press I think it it's very Clearly a step away from what was Happening before when it's the same Style if that style isn't as good as Kops it's so easy to make direct Comparisons between the two I think this Is the yeah I think this is the problem And it's not even so much about Direct Comparisons I just think that derer

Doesn't have I know he's more Experienced I know he's like you know Done a great job in the Premier League Shabby Alonzo you know has only had what 18 months still in in Senior Management But I just think deserie has will still Have way way less Credit in the bank With the fans like all those things that You're desing about jaby Alonzo could Quite easily happen with deserie like Could quite easily happen and if if you Have derer you know taking a little While to find his feet taking a little While to implement system because let's Remember at Brighton you know he already Had like the same essentially the same Back room or the same kind of Hierarchical structure was there when Grah Potter was there and gr Potter left Them in a in a brilliant position yeah And like klopp is leaving position but They're still in more you know they Don't have a sporting director in yet There's still more transition behind the Scenes and there has been over the last Couple of years klopp has had more power There over the last couple years than he Did before that so Derby would Potentially be taking on more Responsibil than he's used To on top of that yeah if he does take a Little while to find his feet in terms Of style of play in terms of results and He's also like getting sent off like

Every month from uh from The Dugout then That kind of Bad Blood starts to build And confidence evaporates in him whereas I think with Jai Alonzo he can afford For there to be a bit of more teething Problems because you just don't cuz he's Not going to do that he's not there's Not going to be Antics from him at all You just know that and and he's he Already has connection 100% I I I just Think it's too soon I I think he's got One more step and if Bayern Munich is That step before going Liverpool cuz Remember we we've said that Liverpool a Very similar level man no in terms of Steps but you said Bayern Munich is Actually like if we're talking about Challenge Liverpool is a difficult place To go to bro because you're coming to You're coming to the Premier League but Bayern they are the German monster when You think of Bayern Munich and the Bundesliga they're always going to be Favorites in the league Liverpool aren't Going to be favorites but you're Replacing a man that has become a cult Hero that has accomplished everything There is to accomplish that is a lot to Do after just 18 months of management Bro yeah I mean that's why that's why I Think Javi Alonzo should stay at lusen For one more year then go to Liverpool But like that that's what that in jabby Alonzo's mind that is what ideally he

Would do I reckon ja Alonzo was was was Uh was was looking at klopp's contracts Like okay he's gone in 2025 that's when I that's things Chang months man I think It's totally feasible that next season You know that Squad maybe gets a little Bit pillaged in the summer lusan can't Say no to some big offers there are some Players with buyout Clauses like frong He can't quite get the same output and They end up finishing fourth or fifth in The Bundesliga does he still get the Offers from you know the klopp role will Have been filled the Barcelona Ro will CL went to Liverpool Klo went to Liverpool off the back of a Seventh Place finish but the role won't be Available at Liverpool would somebody Would have been in there 12 months and Just S they couldn't couldn't handle it Barcelona role would have just been Taken the B Ro would have just been Taken I don't think you'll ever get Another opportunity where he'll have Three of the biggest clubs in the world All after him cuz bar want him as well Like they're not going to get him but Definitely won't should we talk about Them next where as well may as well I I Actually don't know where they go like This was the one that was struggling the Most of because obviously you can bring A suggestion to the

Table but then it's like can they afford Him can they afford him will he go there Like out of all the top clubs and this Is this is it's really sad to be honest Cuz out like in terms of like Spanish Clubs obviously because of the messy Thing I just loved Barcelona but I think They have been so poorly run in recent Years that I can't see a top manager Looking at that Prospect and saying yeah I'm going to go there head first and Look at the squad as well like I can't There's there's nothing that like Excites me like the other option really They they're very exciting young players I mean Lin ma is maybe the best young Winger in World football isn't he yeah Gavy ronal ro ro coming in Frank in Comparison though in comparison and We're already hearing the fact that They're going to have to sell some some Players to if they're going to make any Movement in the summer so I don't know Like I I if it was if it was just on Paper I would say someone likea deserie Again I think that just for him to take A step up I think that that would be a Good place for him to go but if I was Advising any of these men I wouldn't Tell him to go there I think it's a Tough one isn't it cuz I think Barcelona Fans in particular have a very distinct Style of play that they they want to Operate with that maybe doesn't actually

Aligned with the reality of the club at The moment um I do think they I think I Do I feel like they're a bit more amable Now because it's like there with the Prospect of Real Madrid just Sweeping everything in the next 10 years Because of like the how well they've Been run I do feel like there's there's Going to be there's got to be a bit more Give among the barel fans like I feel Like that post era of like you know like We have to play the C style and Everything like I think you know there Always there has to be a bit of a Culture shift in the same way that you Know I mean they still play 4-33 and Everything but they they had to you know When Frank rard first came in and Whatnot that was that that signaled a Culture shift at the at the club like There has to be something like that I Think um and the problem is to to enact That culture shift you have to go for One of the punchier targets rather than Just going for you know say an agu seal At R sidad who I know like doogie's very Keen on but like you know like you you Might have to look elsewhere other than La Liga yeah and I think they're kind of Open to do them that aren't they we've Read some reports this week that they Are kind of interested in a German coach You know we're seeing hansy Flick's name Kind of being baned

Around course of course Thomas du is Going to be keen on him he's like going To be looking for a job isn't he um and The name I'm just going to suggest here Is Julian nlman um his contract's Obviously going to be up with the German Federation at the end of the Euros uh Not sure how well he's going to do in There judging by his results so far not Particularly brilliantly uh but either Way I think at Bayern Munich maybe now When we look back on his time yes there Were major defensive issues but maybe They did pull the trigger a little bit Early you know maybe now we've seen what Happened to Thomas duul maybe there were Deeper issues behind the scenes and with That Squad that nlman didn't have time To address cuz his numbers were still Pretty impressive there we're talking Still 70% win rate you know he was still In in a decent position in the Bundesliga he wasn't given the Opportunity to chase down Dortmund was He at the time 84 games in charge 60 Wins he's got a history of playing very Very attractive attacking football from His time at leig and even at Bayern Munich there was a period where I think They were averaging four or five goals a Game across an eight game spell uh at Bayern Munich he can feasibly still be One of the better coaches in World Football given his age but I think it

Comes down down to whether or not he Would command the respect in the Changing room of Bayern Munich when he W Of Barcelona when he walked through the Door I don't think he can I don't think He can when you look up what he's doing For J don't think he can because like a Young Squad isn't it it is a young Squad But I feel like they need and that's why It's really up not upsetting because Obviously I'm not barcel Barcelona fan But it is to a certain extent seeing Javi and the fact that he's already Feeling like the the over like the Pressure of of being the the Barcelona Manager even though he won this season Won The League last year this season's Probably underwhelming a little bit but He's had injuries to key players he's Had to deal with a few things and that Is I think that that's the type of Manager that they need to almost like Have so a club Legend you a cult hero Not not necessarily a club Legend but Doesn't exist it for bar but then when You look at what nagle's been done at Bayern Munich we can't really say that That win ratio is is very different in Comparison to other managers that man You talking positively about Thomas du Yeah and I I get that but then Thomas T Has got what he done at Chelsea what he Done at Dortmund as well like nagles Doesn't necessarily have that and then

If he goes off the back of going um Going to the euros and Germany don't do What they need to do knowing that that's Going to be our next manager it's just Not exciting like it doesn't it doesn't Feel issue for them though is where is The excitement like they can't Physically afford the exciting top dogs They can't compete for chabby Alonzo That's the realistic like thing here Like can they even can even afford nles I'm fairly unconvinced you know he was On one of the biggest contracts in Managerial history when he was at Bayern Munich I think they're still paying him Off uh to a level uh I think maybe there Was some sort of agreement reached with The dfb to allow them to take charge There and kind of subsidize some wages But he was on one of the bigger Contracts in European football Thomas Tul was on a massive contract at Bayern Munich they they can't compete with These players they're going to have if Maybe if they sold Ronald Oro and Frankie in the summer but if that Happens what manager looks at that and Goes we just sold aralo we just sold Frankie I think there's just so many Problems barcel is the toughest one Barcelona's by far the toughest one There's no there's no perfect like like Thomas tuckle um I bit late for that now Isn't it but um

But I mean Thomas tuckle not only like Is interested because it's a big job but Like he is like you know he he's been Very public in his praise for the club And like based you know ba based his Footballing philosophy at bisha Dortmund Off you know off Pep Guardiola as well And competed with Pep Guardiola in the Bundes leaga you know with that style of Football so like there is I think There's something tantalizing about Barcelona as an institution for for Thomas tuckle and actually kind of going Back to our previous point I do actually Think if ja if Liverpool can't land Jabby then at least as a stop Gap I Actually think Tule maybe it's just the ROM the kind of um the symmetry in in in Him being a klopp follow followup to Klopp cuz he proved that he could do That at Dortmund where klopp was a god Um and he wasn't afraid to change up the Style of play especially you know with With a slightly different squad on his Hands like he wasn't you know he he he Did he you know he did a remarkable job At Dortmund like I think took all like I Think Probably it's hard to say but in some Ways the the job that he did at Dortmund Over his two years was like was Peak Tockle I know he got PSG to a Champions League final I know he won Chelsea the Champions league but like he got that he

Got those jobs off the back of what was A really remarkable twoe spell with Dortmund Um but as for Barcelona um yeah again like he's yeah He he would be stylistically would be One of the managers you'd go to again do Can our Barcelona actually capable of Getting him this is the problem like I Think he would be I think he would first Of all he would be someone Who okay like you know a bit volatile But would be it would be entertaining in That I think he would be more than Willing to stand up to the Catalan press I think he'd be more than willing to Take on laporta if there you know I Think there'd be like you know tension There that could just be messy man messy It could be messy but I but I think Tuckle what I'm saying more is that I Think tuckle is thick skinned enough for A job like that whereas I think you know Say if you were to go for like like Bring Rafa Marquez up from the B team or Like go for say you know a former player In like Thiago motto who's done a great Job at bologna and bring him in you know I I think they would Wilt under the Pressure even someone like Javi has Wilted even though he knew what it was You know from being a player there for So many years like even Javi as a club Legend has wilted I feel like someone

Like Tuckle um and I know like things haven't Ended well for him at Bayern but like he Does he does have that bite to him Think he would be able to handle it and And the same thing happened at um after PSG like everyone was saying is he going To be able to hack it or the Press was Against him then he came to Chelsea and He almost kind of knew that that was the Narrative around him so he switched up a Little bit and then obviously by the end Of it it was more with the board but at The same time I feel like exactly and I Think that Barcelona might be that club For him because he's gone to Bayern Munich not lived up to the expectations GNA if he goes to Barcelona he knows He's not the the favorites to win the League or be the best team in that in That um league but at the same time he Knows okay this is I've got a a squad That is is building there's there's Something I can work with here no one's Going to expect too much of me but They're going to expect a standard that I feel like I can uphold so I think I Think he'll be decent funny enough the Best candidate is like Mikel Etta like By a distance just never going to happen Like he's proved that he can kind of Regenerate a Club from Ground Zero effectively by Dishing out and just hacking out players

That don't want to be there don't need To be there I think he would be the Perfect candidate but why on Earth would He ever want to leave the Arsenal kind Of dynasty that he's creating for Barca I I just don't know crazy how things Have changed I know it's wild isn't it Uh should we do next up Leverkusen or Sure just quickly touch on lus maybe Because obviously they're likely going To be looking for a manager they will be Probably the bundes Lea champion Yeah um gr Potter gr Potter leus Potter Really the past no he needs he needs a Job like that I think I it's Napoli who Are looking it's it's I feel like Obviously the time at Chelsea didn't Work here but people are kind of Forgetting what he did and what he built At Brighton like he was playing Attractive football he was getting them In those European positions doesn't Speak the language though yeah but he'd Be willing to learn he would be willing Like he he's gone everywhere like do you Know what I mean he's a manager that is Is versatile in that sense where if he Has to learn something learn a language Or get someone in that he needs to that Can be that that mediator he'll do that And I think he needs a job like that That will challenge him and that he can Like build his reputation back up with Because for some reason obviously it

Might be because he's looking for the Perfect role but he's not I'm not really Seen him in like that many Conversations you know what I mean so Yeah I think he deserves I think he Deserves a shot like that to be honest Could be a potential option for GR Potter I'm not sure we' even got West Ham down here but you there has been Chat hasn't there about yeah Mo just Always survives though doesn't he he Just always survives contracts up in the Summer David Moes yeah that's true um With with lusen I I was kind of thinking In terms of I mean you just have to look At the the the the club who have not Been talked about anywhere near enough In the Bundesliga because leusen have Been flying but stutgart and Sebastian Hernes like I think is one of the Stories of the season season and I think This is the perfect step up for someone Like Sebastian hernes who hasn't been in Management for too long but has now Managed two Bundesliga clubs and like What he's done at stutgart is actually Like just ridiculous like this time last Year stutgart looked like they were Going to get relegated he took them over In April last year and they were 18th at The time bottom of the Bundesliga they Went they W lost one of their final Eight games of the season and that Included draws with leusen and

Dortmund and then beat Hamburg in the Relegation playoff and now they're third In the Bundesliga like in quite a Competitive Bundesliga as well they're Ahead of leig and Dortmund Dortmund not So much but Leipzig are you know a Serious side one who have who are Putting up a good fight against Real Madrid in the Champions League last 16 Let's remember um and I just think like He plays good football like they're Really organized pressing side like you Know what he's got out of someone like Dennis UNF who I know like had a decent Record in the Bundesliga before but like You know didn't do so well at Brighton You know he's got 14 goals in very Limited minute or relatively limited Minutes gassi 18 goals um and I was kind Of having a look at like Stuarts like How they've generally been operating and Since they got promoted in 2020 they've Made the biggest profit of anyone in the Bundesliga um like lusen in the same Amount of time I think so they've made Like an 80 million euro profit uh lus Have made a 14 million euro profit Despite selling Bailey mavi and havs in That time so they've invested a lot in That in that Squad like um Hern has took Over Jacka rco so yeah Jack like yeah And you know they they spent a decent Amount of money on someone like bonface Um uh who else did they raldo was crazy

Expensive I don't he was he was for free Wasn't he but like yeah they they have Done really good business I'm not saying That leus but but just in terms of the Comparison of like the kind of squad That herness has taken over and a good Squad as well but like last summer they Sold um was it watu Endo they sold uh Borosa um and I'm forgetting the third Oh MAV Panos of course they sold MAV Panos like three of their key players From a club that nearly got relegated And now they're third in the league um I Think it's it's it's hard to look past Like just how like just how remarkable a Job he's done there um and I know like You know Sven mland had did a good job Originally there bringing them up from The survive Bundesliga um but like given The result that he's had at his disposal The fact that stutgart have actually Created more XG than lusen this season Is ridiculous like it is ridiculous so I Think he is due a step up for sure Whether that be this summer or next Summer but like you know he's he's ulie Heres's nephew like former B president's Nephew I mean like I would it Wouldn't completely shock me if B if Bayern if they miss out on jabby if they Miss out on maybe a secondary Target if They're like you know what let's give Her us a chance like like I wouldn't I Wouldn't be overly surprised the family

Keep it in the family um other options I've got down here is like I guess like Marco Rosa you can never write him off Getting another um kind of big Bundesliga job if if he if he wants to LEAP leig do do you know top m is doing A really good job yeah at um at on TR Frankfurt I know it's a bit boring just Suggesting other other Bundesliga Managers for for Leverkusen but I feel Like that's probably well that where They'll go to un unless unless they do Go a bit Maverick and like you know what Yeah someone like gr Potter we want him In Um but uh I think herness is a really Good shout I think outside shout from me Maybe somebody like a Thomas Frank who Has you know proven that he can take a Team up from lower levels uh and sustain Them at a high level uh you know you Think of what he's been able to do it That brenford side I also think of him Like how much further can he take Brenford to a level like Tony's probably Going to leave in the summer you think Well definitely going to leave judging By recent quotes I think maybe this Might be the summer that Thomas Frank Gets an approach from a fairly Significant side and I think Leverkusen Would be a notable step up from brenford In nearly every capacity um and you know He has all of the tools I think in terms

Of data in terms of analytics in terms Of his tactical layout on how adaptable He is with sides we've seen him change The functionality of that brenford side Two or three times uh both from coming Up to the championship how they played In Championship was totally different to How they play in the Premier League how They played with Tony was totally Different to how they played Without Tony it's worked on nearly every Occasion he's got a really good back Room staff with him I think probably That would be a nice step up for for a Manager like Thomas Frank Leverkusen so I don't think it it's a horrible shout But whether or not that comes to Fruition obviously saw reports this week As well that the brenford owner is Looking to sell a majority stake in the Club so might that play into I think I Think if there's any time for Thomas Frank I think if there was any reason Why Thomas Frank would leave brenford in The next year I think that would be the Reason so I think Thomas Frank as as an Outside shout I think it would be it' be A big step up by being outside shout I Think uh should we rattle through R Through a few should we should we just Quickly do West Ham cuz we totally Forgot but Mo's contract is out and you Know the moys out Banners are in the Crowd you going to say Grand Potter

Again I think so I think Grand Potter I Can't really think of anyone that is I Think Julian LGI isn't a terrible shout Here I think Maybe I know the reasons he left notam Forest were largely off the field and Kind of since great Gary O'Neal has come In he's disproven quite a few of those You know even Gary O'Neal O'Neal Gary Yeah but Gary O'Neil I think he's got a Pretty settled position right now at Walls and I think he'll be given the Keys to that Kingdom in the summer if Hees West Ham a step up Though maybe but I think West Ham Themselves are Thinking they're going to be extremely Punchy you know we've seen their Recruitment be extremely Punchy going Out and getting players like kudus going Out there and getting petta I think they Are going to think to themselves we Should be competing for major names here And like I we I saw reports midweek that They uh going to put themselves out There for Thomas tuul and like I'm not Saying that they're going to get Thomas T because I don't think that's ever Going to happen but if that's the sort Of level of candidate where they're Considering behind the scenes I I I'm Not totally sure I could see Gary O'Neal Leaving after 12 months in that position I think it'd be a weird decision from

Nearly every party involved I hear you I Just think it depends on if West Ham are Able to keep petta and like Their like he's probably the their best Player right now Bowen obviously TI down To a new contract but I think them Losing Preta in the summer would show Not where they' go because obviously They're going to try and replace him and Things sh and they replaced rice well They did but I think different I think It would just be different if you lose Your best player every window it says Like obviously you as a club you can Want to you can want to um improve and Get better and still playing European Football but I think they'll struggle to Get a top top manager when they're Losing their play best but but they but They also kind of have already um you Know softened the blow of of a Peta Departure with the signing of kudus last Summer right like they do they are quite Good at regenerating in that sense ahead Of time which is not what we saw from West Ham say five years ago where they Were all over the shop in that sense Like I think there's yeah I think it is A good club to go to in that sense I Think they would have been very Interested in Oly glasner Hadis not Pulled the trigger earlier there as well So I only got a twoyear contract though Is it early two years that's fairly

Standard though for managers But that's why I think maybe maybe Somewhere on the continent I mean I've Suggested them for other clubs but while We're on the subject someone like Vincenzo Italiano at fantina who's done Like a really remarkable job there did a Great job at spia before you suggesting For Napoli well I I I will yeah I I am Suggesting him well I have suggested him For Napoli but I don't think West like I Think he would be definitely someone West Ham should look at um someone like Bruno janio who I've actually bit of a Wild card chout for a team that we might Not even get on to to be honest but Bruno janio who's he's been out work Since leaving Ren in in November was it Or December like great track record at Leyon Great track record um at Ren as Well like great working with young Players like plays really exciting Attacking football like is is used to Getting you know I know it's the Premier League's a different level but it's used To getting sides playing you know bigger Than themselves and you know getting Sides into European contention um so Those would probably be my shouts the Top of my head they're both quite Especially janio is like pretty Experienced as well like managed in China too so like um yeah I I would I Would go for something like that

Actually I think I think West Ham should Be looking on the like I've just been Saying it recently but I think David Moyes is slightly disrespected though I Feel like I feel like obviously West Ham Want feel like they want to make that Step up here but they've Saed him before And we saw what happened with that like You you obviously I can understand the Football might not be great but we're Forgetting the period that they had I Think it was the end of December or Going into J I agree but I always have a Concern with non fans of that club Saying about the like that those fans Should I always think you know West Ham Fans the guys sitting there and watching The football 90 minutes every week if They say it isn't good enough it Probably isn't good enough I'm I Completely understand feel West Ham fans Have a have a tendenc split man I think I think it's split I think it's 50/50 I've seen fans that are Mo in seen fans That Mo out but I've always been of the Ilk that if you win games yeah it Doesn't matter how you win it like I'd Rather he's still in the top eight he's Eight but I do I do think the one still In Europe do you know what I mean like You like how far but it depends where But I think that's the Cho the the the The choice isn't it and I think this is Where I do sympathize with West Ham fans

It's like David Moyes if West Ham wants To stay where they are for the next Three years I would back Moyes to to More or less do that I would back Moyes To to get West Ham finishing in the top Half like for the next three years like At least if their recruitment remains as As decent as it has been but if you want West Ham to actually go to the next Level if you want West Ham to actually Like you know be a bit more like you Know be a bit more like Punchy like Brighton have been in terms of actually You know last season we were you know B Were actually in the top four race for Like a lot of last season then yeah I Think you maybe do need someone who's a Who's got a little bit more about them Um in terms of playing style and ALS and Also it is like yeah you do you want to See a team play more attacking football Um that's you know that's also a fair Enough a fair enough argument and also I Think to be honest I think with West Ham Fans I think they just a bit bored like Mo has been there for like yeah Moyes Has been there for for for quite a long Time and you know yeah you know when You're when you've been you know I can't Remember the last time West Ham were Truly battling relegation or whatever Like you know at this point yeah they're A big table Club but they you know they Want more they're in a big Stadium like

They want to have you know they want to Be punching harder than the than the Well I guess they are in the Europa League this season but yeah um yeah I Would if if that's if that's what West Ham's Ambitions are and that's what you Know that's where they're looking then I Would yeah I would look outside of the Premier League uh let's quickly touch on Napoli then because it has been a Tumultuous season really hasn't it uh Obviously Rudy Garcia being sacked they Have now appointed I think Franchesco Czone haven't they um what's going to Happen there I don't know I mean it's Deenus we're talking about here isn't it So might last days we don't we don't Know at this stage we don't know how Successful he's going to be um he's There on an interim basis but you know D Rentis might well just throw a six-year Contract that him if it does well Equally might last a week um so should We suggest you're going to stick with Venzo Italiano there yeah I think so I Think he is the you know he's the kind Of um not sure who I'd compare him to But I guess in some ways you know like The the next big thing in in Italian Football you know yeah did a great job At spia has done done a brilliant job at Fiorentina like you know LED them to Seventh in his first season eighth in His second you know similar points

Tallies um you know and in the three Seasons before he was there they were Finishing you know consistently in the Bottom half on on pretty low points Tallies um you know had to deal with Vavich you know who was in the form of His life you know leaving halfway Through his first season Kaza had left The year before he joined um arur cabal Scored 17 goals for them last year he Went to Benfica in the summer you know The replacements he got in Beltran from From riverplate and Enola from from spia You know they they haven't really hit The ground running and yet they're still Seventh in a really compe you know that That that you know third to eighth in in Sera I think is is probably more Competitive than that uh that that kind Of level in the table than any other League in Europe's top five leagues so To to stay in seventh despite I mean That there was decent investment in the Summer but there's still you know There's still been a lot of Transitioning in the time that he's There in terms of playing playing staff Um is is is brilliant and you know They're only seven points off Champions League football given you know if if They go on like a a two like a twomon You know um run like they they could Well be in contention for Champions League football um and also great in the

Cups as well and I think like that's That is definitely something that should Be taken into account because you know That that's exactly the kind of club That that you know live on on on cup Runs like that especially when you know They've been so up and down in the League over the last few years um you Know reach the copper Italia uh final Last year of course reached the the Conference League final as well um Reached the copper Italia semis in his First year at fantina he's back in the Semis uh this year you know they breezed Their um conference League group this Year as well so they're into the last 16 There so Um yeah I I think he would be the Outstanding candidate there um I think Otherwise you're looking at someone Maybe like Thiago M or dare I say it Trying to being SAR back in um probably You know I was going to suggest Thiago M But I do think that he's obviously had That friction in the past hasn't he with Deenus uh was like was he approached and Kind of rejected approached yeah they Were basically well they basically just Said um oh no yeah yeah he he wasn't Happy with basically their plan strategy And that wasn't very it wasn't Particularly strong and you know anonio G's name is still kind of floating Around Italian football I you don't see

That happening imagine him versus Delarentis would be you know it' be Great watch bigger to watch but it would Be the Clash of like it'd be the biggest Clash like I think Antonio Conte in Terms of Italian coaches on the market That you think of that would have an Immediate impact at Napoli I think would Would be that guy but it would be such a G a gear change from the football we've Seen Napoli play maybe not this season But last season in particular you know When you think of the best of Napoli With grea and and Osman kind of flying Forward and playing at PACE with a very Very high line it would would be you Know I just would be Aon oppos but I Don't think it'll be that bad I think it Would be it'd be so fun to watch it' be So entertaining to watch kte go to Napoli yeah and I think but equally like Where are the like do like the first Thing I think of is like Wing backs and It's like Napoli haven't really operated With wing backs ever like Conte get in The black book and he'll just go right Which old X Premier League Player it'll probably working but I I Want to see I want to see Conte back in In in Syria and I think if you're Looking at the teams that are going to Be looking for managers I think that I Think I think this would be a good fit For him I think he I think he would just

Be able to get the not the best out of Because we've seen what the the like Kravis Skelly and um vikor Osman can do As well yeah but the fact that he gives Those players that freedom and all he Really needs to sort out is the defense Like that's what he's that's what he Loved to do Hazard spoke about it like It was probably the best say of a Transfers doesn't he Antonio con like he Wants to have lar understanding He he'll Have to be understand nothing Understanding about cont he's never been At a club and been understanding of any Sort of TR transfer or or like Recruitment strategy that's not his own Like he goes into a club and he says This is what I want and this is what I'm Going to get dentus is a guy who goes This is what I want and this is what You're going to get those two I think There's serious there be thunder and Lightning of those in a room together Trying to come up with a coherent Recruitment strategy for Napoli he's an Emotional football club at the best of Times and like cont is the most Emotional manager in World football I Think yeah be fun to watch yeah it'd be Fun to watch uh England let's do some a Quick far one we England Jose Morino for one one tournament I would Love to see what Mourinho does with England for one tourn I just want to see

I just want to see it it it would only Be a one tournament one tournament thing I think you know what I would love is if The next England M if Gareth Southgate Successor like if it all goes tit up and It's you know like like with Capello Before what was it Euro 2012 and it's Like oh we've got two months and we need Someone to come in I would be like Mourinho get him in Get Him in um but uh I just think we need to be honest I Think basically more of the same i' like Gareth Southgate has I think been Remarkable I know he's got a great Squad But he didn't start out with a great Squad um and he rebuilt the culture There and I think that culture is really In keeping with I think it's really in Keeping with gr posa's managerial style Um I know he's a club manager um but Like I think gram Potter stylistically Is a step up on on Gareth Southgate and I think man management wise I think gr Potter is every like he he he is so like Gareth southg I think when you look at What he did with AAR Suns look at what He did with Brighton like he's a bit out Of the box he's he's not conventional in Terms of the way that he gets his team Team to bond um can he get them over the Line though I'm talking about getting Over the line the only person that I see Doing that is Jose bro like if there's a Oneoff if there's oneoff games I'll

Throw a third name into the mix I think Steve Cooper would be a decent shout um But what but what has he got over Someone like grah poter well he's got I Think it does play a large role that He's worked with quite a few of these Players before let's not forget the Successes he had taking England to an Under 17 Euros final and losing but then Winning the World Cup final then the Following year going to another Semifinal like he's worked with a lot of That under 17 side that have then gone On to become very solid players at at First team into National level now so He's used to some of the players I think He's used to the fa setup I think he was In charge of the out of possession Strategy that GTH ALG implemented Largely at the 2018 World Cup as well so I think there has been some level of Crossover between age groups which I Think England DNA kind of oversaw where You know the the first team plays very Similar football to the 21s to the 18s To 17s so he's to some level used to That sort of structure and the hierarchy At the f and I think there is something To be said for internal appointments That have long-term planning you look at How G Southgate was with the 21s Basically stepped up to the first team Because of the England DNA had' been Working at that level when it just

Stepped up I think Steve Cooper much Success at the SE at the 17s proven trap Record of winning International Silverware with a younger age group can He just step up I think he did a Remarkable job when he went to Swansea Even more remarkable job when he went to Notam Forest to take them from bottom of The championship the same season getting Promoted I understand it fell apart but I also think to a level some of the off The field problems at KN on Forest Signing thir players didn't necessarily Play to his style of management which is Improving which is getting a really Really happy environment where his man Management skills with young players can Thrive and that might well be the England setup where he's worked with a Lot of these players in the past and has Existing relationships I don't think It's a terrible shout Steve Cooper no I Think that's a good shout I think he's a Good shot I'm I'm just talking about Those last few games we are proven to Have one of the best squads in the world We need that win honestly we Need seminal finals I need someone that Knows how to win those games bro that That just gets everyone up for it like Steve Cooper I think I get those though Like Steve Cooper the gr Potters that These men I think they they could do Something similar to Gareth Southgate

But if we're talking about England Winning these trophies yeah sh J I think I think it's kind of it's one of two Things isn't it it's like yeah like sure Jose I would probably back to to manage Like an individual semi-final better Than either of those two managers but It's getting there in the first place It's like it's making sure that the team Doesn't implode in some way before that You don't have to do too much that's International Football you don't have to Do too much and that's why I think he Would even be successful cuz he's Obviously Beyond like the modern day Football and what it requires yeah from Managers like but in terms of tournament Football I think he'll be able to Because he the squad is there like Quality in every position you're not Going to ask too much of tactically We're not going to ask you to be playing This type of football no just win the Game just win the game make them believe That they can win it Like what side of effects do you come Down on I mean should we wrap up there Do we want to do I think we should wrap It up there we were going to do B and Chelsea but who really cares and at the Moment ericon har much put feet firmly Under the table it's the car today as Well went yeah so how you feeling mate Do you want to get a quick prediction

Before we head out H okay yeah I'll go I'll go I'm hoping for hoping for a 2-1 Chelsea I feel like if we score first I'm hoping we win if they score first I Think they win um I don't think that Them having their injuries is going to Set them back that much cuz the players To come in are still quality and joggen Kpp can get the best out of anyone so Still having them as the favorites even Though the everyone wants them not to be Um I'm going to go Liverpool 3-1 I'm going to go pens again Happened the last finals between them I Think it might happen one more time but That's it For oh sorry Liverpool uh that's it for Today's episode of Sunday Vibe if you Did enjoy it please do subscribe to the Channel thanks to Sam thanks to Mikey Thanks to you guys at home for watching We'll see you later goodbye

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