Professional nigerian heavyweight boxer and talented puncher Efe Ajagba with nickname “The Silent Roller” against german top ranked athlete Michael Wallisch. Fight took place in Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, Las Vegas, USA on April 27, 2019. Spectacular boxing fight with knockout in HD, highlights.
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Efe Ajagba (Nigeria) vs Michael Wallisch (Germany) | KNOCKOUT, BOXING fight, HD
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In the heavyweight Division and it Features undefeated Prospect fa of jba Taking on the once beaten German [Applause] VES a [Applause] Jug once again okay here we go gentlemen You both I want a good clean fight obey My commands at all times the above Protect yourself at all times let's go Tony Weeks the third the bell at Round One a jba in the black with red of Vish 25 on Monday he's been blowing away his Somewhat limited opposition heavy weight And so far has had great success showing Off his power and Paulie of course he's Faced limited the eye exam so far you Know he's looked like he's had great Power he's had the intimidation Factor As well as we as you discuss in the Broadcast with the guy that left the Ring as soon as the bell rang and uh of Course tonight is it would seem to be And seemingly off that record would come With a winning Attitude looking to bring the fight JMA Early in round one a jba his last fight Last month annihilated the first Normally is very much a boxer but look In the upper he said I to stand in and Fight a Jaga and try and get inside that Jab and see if I can hurt him and ajba Very far under the fire abolish one
Thing wallish has to also do is stop Moving his head a little bit you can see His forehead is already reing from the Jet oh yeah he's been cut and those Short shots have scored for Jing the Offense of volish and now from jba Looking to Throw Vish has been able to get on the Inside we've seen this the question is Can he be effective and a jbob working On the the fundamentals more than just a A sharp jab right hand Ronnie Shields Very impressed with his work ethic and His his sense of urg to learn everything As fast as he can Al yeah compared him To Evander hfield who Ronnie Shields Worked with and right now here in R Methodical in the way he's breaking him Down and has thrown already 81 punches In this round to jba Left Behind the Guard and a right and a jba now in the Quarter I tell you what to do he's Trying to make a J punch himself out he Knows the jba is you get used to getting These quick Knockouts and he's trying to Mentally pressure him by so fa at CH Michael Bish have competed for three Minutes to victory for these two Fighters first of all for a Jaga uh Moving your head we talk About underneath his left eye yeah there Is a a cut Already valish round number two as a JB Sticks a stiff right to the inside and
Now beginning to put together his onew Combinations with a little more pop when Was the last time you saw combinations Like a 112 pounder yeah you know what And he keeps them simple and then that's Also part of the reason why he can throw So many punches he throw simp Jabs of One twos and V valish comes back back With a couple of punches behind the high Guard of a jug trying to sther these Little mini storms and mini don't get me Wrong if V can survive this this is what He wants he wants a big takes the punch That last shot was Absolutely why you Know controversy appears to be Michael Vish's Shadow yeah no you and the Similar very similar to what happened With hammer and fifth round where he was Looking for a Disqualification sat down to the bottom Rope with this a second Time and yet here we continue so the Referee didn't even War to job up coming Out throwing Ball but man he gets that Right hand behind the guard and now a j Good action pack fight however for the Heavyweights and now you mentioned the Turning fire referee weeks watching Closely he's stopping the fight and here In the second round the D is ninth Knockout [Applause] Win okay okay okayish after the
Knockdown and did throw the big com the Combinations he looked very passive Leading up to the the knockdown there's The right hand and no question you can Make a strong case and he aob Being very aggressive by the way the Uppercut of a jba is a terrific weapon And we saw that a moment ago the left Hand volish not doing anything just kind Of in a shell and I think Tony Weeks Decided that he could take a look again At it and everything starts off the jab For jba we mentioned that is one of the Keys and it is in fighter here tonight Which isn't even his normal style he Likes to box but he had to try and Engage J this ladies and gentlemen we Have the time of 1 minute 40 seconds in Round number two Our referee in charge Tony week stops The contest he is the winner by way of Technical knockout and still undefeated The one and only Fa of [Applause] Jar so following in the footsteps of Henry Winkler WWE Superstar Ricochet a New one and only and Fa ajba proving to Be uh destructive with his uh punching Power Alice