Professional iranian heavyweight MMA fighter and high skilled wrestler Amir Aliakbari against croatian top ranked athlete, kickboxer and police officer Mirko Filipovic with nickname “CRO COP”. Fight took place in Saitama Super Arena, Saitama, Japan on December 31, 2016. MMA fight video with knockout in HD, highlights.
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Amir Aliakbari (Iran) vs Mirko CRO COP Filipovic (Croatia) | KNOCKOUT, MMA Fight HD
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Double Dragon [Music] Belt Tado wishing good luck tari now Taking the belt over to Crocop you know what I'm really curious We're going to see I want to see how Tentative Miro comes out on this if he Comes out tentative that lets us know What he's going to try to do is exhaust Al bar a little bit second yeah and I Don't think that's going to happen you Know I think I think what we're going to Do It and [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Gentlem [Applause] [Music] M Jerome leaner payt close ATT attention He gave a standing ovation as Miracle Kroop walked by him here are the final Rules for tonight's rise in Tournament three rounds of five minutes If we have to go to an extra round it'll Be an additional five minutes kicks and Knees to the head of a downed opponent Are legal we thought there'd be elbows Allowed in this final there are no Elbows Allowed no Eling nope but they get an opportunity
To put that awesome belt underway that Is one of the most uh cool belts I've Ever seen the design Everything about it was awesome two Dragons man two dragons little too big For my way but we have a dragon for from Croatia and a dragon from Iran right now They will V for that gold here we Go unfortunately for Joe Warren he Disagrees that this will be the baddest Man on the planet but it will Be here we Go Oh he can cut he can cut it the knife in Here man people so excited about it I am Stoked air excuse me Miracle kroop very Heavy on that left leg leaning back we All know he's hearing what happens when That yep situ and honestly I think what Miracle is going to do is kind of like The old Miracle just kind of stay back Try to get air a little bit tired and Then try to set up those big shots yeah And I think we did look it Miracle's Moving better he's on his feet he's Moving he is moving into the power again Though I even though that's his power Kick there you know that and actually's Doing a really good job of circling to The left that's that's a way of negating Miro's Kick the more static that he is out come A big swing Mir is stalking kroop trying To get him close to the ropes and when
He finally got him close enough as when He threw that overhand right this is Where I would tell air to throw the jab And level change level change don't Don't attack into him just see what's Going to happen with kro is he going to Throw the knee is he see clinch position Where we wanted him against the ring Right here this is where he wants him Okay he can control him he can't get Hurt with those those kicks but this is Where he finished I mean we saw a good a Good left knee just now that landed and As we know is the longer the fight goes The more it favors Miro there was a little bit accident Accidental contact see I don't believe That I think the longer the fight goes It might the GRE Roman World Champ I Believe might have that [Music] Well I was just addressing more of the Conditioning aspect we SE problem sorry I'm real biased when it comes to That now's really he's got it he he's Not circling as left as he should be's Really trying to set that left kick up You can hear Mike swick in the Corner Ofak Bar saying pressure pressure and You see him Switching gears throwing Another right hand there just missing Crocop Bobby and Weaving Y yep's in trouble kn the Finish You kidding it's the
2016 World PR pre Champion Unbelievable if you're going to finish Tonight finish it right just like that He loaded up on that right hand and Miracle capitalize that left Hook what an unbelievable performance by The Croatian fantas was the favorite heading In here here go Cup who once again he is Not done it Mak Marshal He is still a force to be reckoned with And tonight has proven it time and time Again he is the side presentent Riz and Fighting World BR Greek open weight 2016 Champion Wow that fantastic left hand St on the [Music] Bik Wow wow I mean that's what that's you Were talking about he thre that left Hand right eye right on right on the Button he dropped him he pursued him and Finished him just that what crop does The best you know that left hand is what Finished the fight started the fight Started him on the way down and finished Him when he hit the well and Mir was Really cled up on that right hand throw That right hand you know swing it for The PES and miraco just has too much Experience with that I mean he's a Season kickboxer you're seeing a veteran Give beat by season I mean a season V
Beat a as you can see here ladies and Gentlemen Miracle crop overcome with Emotion they said his career was Finished and his reply was two finishes In one Night un Fantastic a standing overation here at The Arina for vle Coop unbelievable finish for the Unbelievable night New Year's Eve sa Arena there is the first man he Dro Tonight there is Jerome Le Banner once Again giving Miro crop a standing Ovation he he told us in September I Feel I feel young again I feel renewed I'm able to continue I want to keep Fighting showcas it Tonight defeating a sumo wrestler and Then fighting fighting a very game Roman Wrestler a lot of Dominance yes he did very know he's he's A mature veteran and that's what we saw He won he won uh fights for in one Reason you could tell it was a game plan He set everything up and he got the Job as soon as he smell blood it was Lights out he went after that left hand Landed right on the chin he he continued To pursue him landed another left hand He fell Amir aakari despite right now Having his head down should keep his Head held high he made it all the way to The finals he lost to crocop as you can See air right now likely reflecting
Depressed and not happy but he should be Proud he represented his country very Very well did the best he could but Tonight was not his [Music] Night and really the fight didn't quite Go how I expected it I kind of expected That first round to be a little bit Slower Pace with a M pushing the action But uh yeah Miro was able to capitalize On on on the whole Wing Side and quick excellent night of Fighting folks exciting great finishes I Think the knee I mean knees and uh left Hand left hands in the face is pretty Much the whole night I think even Miracle cornerman are overcome with Emotion clearly a joyous occasion Philipovich I'll say it again this guy was written Off by the MMA industry MMA fans were Taking shots out of many of the media Were saying what is he doing he's done And he proved again tonight that if I Land anything with my left whether it's My hand whether it's my shin somebody is Going down and tonight here's the replay Fight hits him with that left hand Pursues him follows him against he hits He hits the ring next thing you know Left hand lands again he lands on his Back here you go left hand buckles him Continues to pressure forward and really It wasn't really a straight left it was
A stepping off his Mor like a left hook Y yep left Hook but set it up yep and that's the Thing at this open weight you know uh You get hit with one of those Sledgehammers you guys are too big you Got too much force coming behind your Punches and somebody lands on their back Oh brother don't I know I'm trying to I Was trying to bring it the other day Yeah Yeah all the tournaments that you see on The screen here all the competitors that Competing in this tournament are now in The Ring obviously showing their respect for Miro crocop who emerges Victorious doing A fantastic job this evening two fights In one night at the saitama super Arena Two Finishes and Surely will have gold a massive trophy That Heath hering will probably make a Comment on as will Joe War Two Eagles on The top of the

Nochu Singh, a vibrant and dynamic sports journalist based in the sunny city of Los Angeles, California, has been a prominent voice in the sports journalism community for over a decade. Born to Indian immigrants, Nochu grew up immersed in a rich blend of cultures, fostering a unique perspective that he seamlessly weaves into his storytelling.