Rohit Sharma blasts a fifty in just 30 balls as India are cruising through the chase. Dinesh Karthik & Manish Batavia discuss, on Cricbuzz Comm Box
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[Music] I wonder what adjective can be used for The kind of mood Rohit Sharma is in I Generally Stiller clear of using Negative terms but he's in a murderous Mode he is in beast mode Rohit Sharma Approaching his 31st to I 100 it's been A delightful inning so far it's it's Been so soothing to the eyes just toir Ro sha back the way he is DH Karthik is Going to be all praise for the Indian Captain on Crick bus comom box all yours DK take it away he's in demolition mode And what a player Ro Sharma is a beast When he bats like this he plays some of The most authentic Cricket shots with The utmost ease and for me he is one of The most goodlooking right-handers to Have ever graced the game of cricket and We are privileged to watch him bat the Way he does fastest to a th000 runs in World Cup Cricket it's only his third World cup 19 Innings is all he has taken He started with David Warner surely There are many many more runs to come Just look back at the time he missed out On playing a home World Cup 2011 he's Captain now he's making a Men's oh you know you just as you said Run out of superlatives after a point But the kind of batting he's just doing Just watching him go about his Thing as a bowler you know when you Can't bow shot because you know how good
He is if you bowl full he's hitting you Down the ground where do you bow I mean There are very few areas where you can Come and attack him and stay strong Wrong in these kind of pitches without Getting hit it tells me that he's one of The you know when he gets going like This on a pitch like what we're seeing In Delhi he is at times impossible to Bow at 555 sixes in all formats and Counting for Rohit Sharma he's the Number one on that list just eigh shot Of his 31st 100 as well he's got 600s in World Cup history so there are many many Records that Rohit Sharma will break as He goes on in this world cup is Shan Kish meanwhile without paying for it has The best seat in the House he's uh yeah I mean I I'm uh Envious of where isan is right now just Watching the mro in action also the one Stat that flabbergast me is in 19 Innings he's notched up almost to 7th H00 as we speak I don't want to jinx it But it could be and that becomes the Highest ever 100 scored in World Cups by Any cricketer and we are talking about The greatest who have played the sport Is second behind him in Tula and he's Taken over 40 Innings so it tells me That this man is from another planet at Times when he gets going just the beauty The Aesthetics attached to batting is Personified in the name of Rohit
Gurunath Sharma the Afghanistan bowling Card will perhaps startle you a little Bit now when the opposition is going the Way it is you waited until the 15th over To bring your Premier bowler Rashid Khan Please make sense of that for me they've Basically gone there to all the bowlers That they feel can bowl in the power Play you know you know mujib can bowl The three fast Bowlers very Understandable and then they've turned To uh Muhammad Nai and even when Muhammad nabbi didn't work they've said All right now we have to obviously bring In rashed Khan this has been their modus Operandi for some time now they go Through a pattern Rashid Khan always Comes in the middle o it's only a Question of whether Rashid Khan comes Before or after Nabi but other than that The bowling is pretty much set they Start with mujib and fuzel faruki Followed up by azmatullah and Navin hak Even in the warm-up matches this was how They played so you can understand that They're not changing from their plan but The one thing that is happening is Consistently in the warm-up match they Got really pummeled by Cel Mendes today It is Rohit Sharma who's doing it six Bowlers used and I know at cckb we often St clear of talking about an early Finish it's considered a jinx but today I'm going to break all those
Rules kind of 100% you're right I just Cut you in because I feel this cor box Is the last one they is why are you Going to be working by the second combox We'll be inside talking to in crickbus Live not the combox maybe there you Heard it there you heard it from DH Karthik well Rohit Sharma is in the kind Of mood Brendan mum was at that 2015 World Cup we'll see if we're going to See you here or on Craig Buzz Live That's it from DK and I if you're an Indian fan smile smile from ear to ear Because the Indian Captain is in the Mood to annihilate the Opposition

Nochu Singh, a vibrant and dynamic sports journalist based in the sunny city of Los Angeles, California, has been a prominent voice in the sports journalism community for over a decade. Born to Indian immigrants, Nochu grew up immersed in a rich blend of cultures, fostering a unique perspective that he seamlessly weaves into his storytelling.