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Welcome back to team talk ladies and Gentlemen the hottest quiz show on the YouTube space and other social platforms That you may see this on uh today I Joined by some Titans of the YouTube Football scene in the right corner Wearing what we've described as a Shacket or Jer or Jer uh doyley D yes uh You introduce this as a quiz shot I Think more of as like a discussion an Argument show but I'm ready for it well I did not mean to say that so it is a Debate show you are correct Patrice Vanon your last ever a team talk nice Boots you're looking very Suave how you Doing uh I'm very well thank you I like That every week we optimistically Welcome ladies and gentlemen uh the 3% Think might lower oh it's gone down ex Excellent news I'm glad I'm glad that We've always been uh we've been so well Welcoming I try I do try my best Henry Hill is in the other Corner yes next to A full kit man yeah yeah the the Comparisons here are very odd between me And everyone I mean we had 3% you say You're lower it's definitely got lower Once they seen those legs I made a Promise to people chicken legs they're Gorgeous thank you Um made a promise a long time ago to People who' have probably forgot but I'm Here to you know pay my debts so yeah I'm in full kit in the full kit kit okay
Then Guys Without further Ado let's get On to our first question simple one this One Guys would you rather win the Premier League or or the champions League and you're going to debate why Three two one Reveal no so Champions League all round That's fair enough but why why why have You gone for it Hennis oh there's just Something about C Cup competitions I Think that just makes it so intriguing I Think like the music that comes with it The the the gravitas like the history of The whole tournament like the premier League to win it is obviously Objectively a lot harder to go a 38 game Campaign and come out on top I think is Remarkable and we've seen some teams in The Champions League manag to get to the Semi-finals you know by Hook by like Last year we saw Benfica AC Milan into Milan like they all had pretty good runs To that point in the competition which Gives you like a bit of leg up to get Into the final but still like those kns The European Knights which they create And they put on the double the two legs And I I there is something about the Champions League I don't think you can Get away from it and I know they're Going to try and revamp it but I I I Think it's been one of most perfect like Football competitions for a long time in
Its current form and yeah I just think One you earn the respect of the whole Continent and I think that's just far Greater you said something interesting There does everyone agree that the Premier League is harder to win than the Champions League or not it depends I Think at the moment potentially but not Always I think the Premier League is Very competitive at the moment whereas Maybe in the late '90s early 2000s there Wasn't the same depth of top level Competition in the Premier League than There is now um so I think it probably Is right now um but they're just very They're very different um I think the The the thing that sways it for me is That you'll probably always remember how Many champions leag leagues a player has Won but I can't really tell you how many Premier League titles off the top of my Head like Vincent company is won or you Know John I think it's four and five Actually but either way like it like you Can be a very average player and win a Couple of Premier League titles through Playing for a very good squad whereas I Think the Champions League just holds so Much more gravitas in my own mind Jose Bingo might uh say otherwise to to that Um okay look you boys were all fair Enough you picked the right one in my Opinion um so you all get a point okay Which is the same as none of us yeah but
It sounds more positive so I you made Some great points there Pat so I just Made the best point so okay then guys at The time of recording Tottenham hot spur Are top of the Premier League yeah baby But where will Spurs finish at the end Of the Season three two one Reveal oh okay and last ch no no I just I just forgot about team okay so we got Third thir third fourth fourth fifth Patrick outside of the Champions League Places possibly outside the Champions League places depending on how things go Why uh well I did actually reconsider it And I was going to change it to Fourth But then I didn't have the time and also I don't care that much um fundamentally There are better teams in the league I Think Arsenal Newcastle and Manchester City are all clearly better and I do Still think there are pretty key Weaknesses in that Spurs side like look In some areas you could actually expect Them to get stronger so you would hope That over time you know defense will get To know each other a little bit better They've got boner to come back I think In the center of the par they're really Solid but if Madison were to get injured Which historically he always does if Some were to get injured I think these Would be serious serious problems for Them like yeah they've had some okay
Contribution from you know man or Solomon or whoever but I don't don't Really think that an Attack featuring Him and featuring uh the child from Nosing Forest his name I've forgotten Yeah who I don't really think much of Like I don't really think that that is a Champions League level attack Fundamentally I think Newcastle have got A deeper Squad and are playing to a Higher standard Arsenal playing to a Higher standard and the attack is Playing pretty badly I would say Man City are playing to a higher standard And just kind of look like they're in Second gear so I think all those teams Will be able to click and maybe play to A higher standard I still think Liverpool are also deeper have probably A better manager it it's just easy to Look at other teams which are around Kind of the same level right now and see How they will get better and it's easy To look at Spurs and think they are Playing a bunch of guys out a position And they are very reliant on one or two Players in a way those other teams Aren't if Madison were playing as badly As igard is currently where would Spurs Be that that's a question that I think Is worth Asking Spurs only have the Premier League really to focus on I will say That like and the FA Cup which who knows
What could happen being Spurs like I the Other the other teams we've mentioned do Have European football and I do think They're going to be going much deeper in Those competitions I like you know for Newcastle getting swept up in European Campaign is going to be quite absorbing Liverpool they really should be going Deep in the Europa League let's be Honest at this point in time so I agree With like Fair few of those sentiments But I still think in January if Spurs Are in to towards the top of the Division in that market they're going to Be an attractive proposition if they Need to get some creative bodies through The door to at least be back up to the Players that we've mentioned dropping Out I know it's not easy but depth is Their main issue I think really that's The only thing holding them back at the Moment I also think we can't write off Like spurs' ability to pick up pick up Points against the bottom 12 teams at The moment I still think they've got Enough strength to go out and just Consistently win they've shown so far Against the top teams that they're able To grind out results be it draws or wins Whatever so I think they're showing like An edge and they're capitalizing on a Moment we have to remember that Spurs Haven't had this feeling for a very long Time that they could really be in a
Title race and I think that is going to Carry them a certain way like when you Got who's such a leader leading the line And they've got Vicario like so solid at The back and goal like Romero vanen These are really kind of mentality Monsters running through the squad and I Think that's going to pay dividends down The track like they got a World Cup Winner at Center half like they've got The qualities there I think to maintain A top four push I don't think that They're going to drop out the top four At this point I think the other teams Might get swallowed up by the other Competitions around them but when you're Praising someone like vicaria what You're essentially saying is that Currently they're conceding fewer goals Than you would expect them to and that Is true they're scoring more goals than Next year would predict they're Conceding fewer goals the next year Would predict so if they were to just Come back to their numbers then actually They're not currently a top four quality Side now they might improve and become One but actually when we're telling a Story about them ending up in the top Four we're not saying oh well they just Won't drop off enough to fall out of the Top four what we're actually saying is They need to improve they're not Currently playing like one of the four
Best sides in the league they're not Even in the Fulham game last night you Know they created lxg than any team has Against F except for I think Luton and Sheffield United they they are not Currently playing like one of the four Best sides in the division now are they Capable of doing it possibly but I would Say that right now a bunch of their Players are really really hot and they Still aren't actually playing like one Of the four best sides in the division They're picking up points like the best Side in the division but that's not Quite the same thing is it because there Are other I don't know I think there's Been countless examples like well Leicester playing the best football in Their like title run down the stretch of The road I don't think you can say they Were I think it got to a point where They were just getting the results but That is but that's a very sing kept Liverpool in the top four at moments Over the last few years alongside with Salah like his his post shot expected G Numbers have been so huge that he's been Saving the team and yet they're Consistently top four side that's not Really true he had his best season last Year and they didn't get into the top Four um I wouldn't say that like Allison And Salah were keeping them in the top Four but they were playing like one of
The four best sides in the division They've done that consistently over the Last few years Leicester are a bit of an Anomaly but Lester That season were Playing roughly the fourth best football And ended up winning it cuz a bunch of Other teams had a bad season now that Does happen but it happens quite rarely I'm not saying that Spurs can't finish You know third or fourth they absolutely Can I'm just saying that when we tell a Story about them finishing third or Fourth it's an optimistic story it's not A pessimistic one whereas I think Everyone's kind of implying right now I Don't just mean in this room I mean Generally that like Spurs just need to Maintain this level and they will be one Of the fourth best the four best sides In bubble is going to burst at some Point they've been like running hot for So long I do think the fact that they're Not any other competition really comes Into play I think even the city you've Got the club World Cup this season and We've seen the fragility of of teams Like Arsenal Man City you know already Like rodri being out absolutely Capitulated you know for three games and Just something simple like that I know We say you know if Madison if son but It's kind of the same for any other team Like odard has not been hot and you Haven't been the same Chelsea I know
They're way off in ter a point behind Spurs that's why I think I think think Arsenal and city will be above them I Think they're running hot at the moment They're still yet to improve cuz I do Think like you know the groundwork has Been laid for and po goloo but I think Really he's got some you know's he's got More work to do they will get better so They're running hot right now they're Expected to get better in terms of just The fact that they worked with him for a Long time so I think they've got a Cushion right now that lays them just You know to keep into the top four That's why I think kind of Liverpool not That bigger cushion though you know if We were halfway through the season you Might Aion it's not that big I I agree With that but like the thing is I think That we Um that there definitely are weaknesses To be exploited there and I think teams Have exploited those weaknesses at Certain points I think that they kind of Got a bit lucky against Liverpool I Think on another day that they'd have Lost that game I think the same is true Of the Arsenal game I think that some of Their performances even the United game They could easily have been a couple of Goals down before they kind of powered Into that match later on it just feels a Little bit
Like every season with Spurs everyone's Either like Spurs are terrible or Spurs Are title contenders and every year I Feel like I get to be right about spurs By taking the by taking the STS that Spurs are pretty good at the beginning Of the season I was like Spurs are Pretty good and everyone was like Spurs Is horrible and they've lost Harry Kane And then they were pretty good and I Just feel like now everyone's like Spurs Are Spurs are title challenges they're Nailed on for top four and I'm like no Spurs are pretty good and at the end of The season they'll probably be pretty Good I thought fourth was going to be The controversial pick which is kind of Why I went for it um because I thought It's an easy way to get points but Actually hey what are you saying about Come on we all know the rules of Team Talk we all know the rules of Team talk Um but I think they they could finish Above Liverpool I don't know whether It's a guarantee um but I do think you Know if you talk about the big injuries That Spurs could get you know it's just As likely that van dijk who's played a Lot of football over the last few years Could pick up a serious injury could I Think that has almost as big an effect On Liverpool as Madison missing for Spurs does Robertson's already picked up An injury Trent isn't playing it as
Absolutely best right now I don't think Liverpool's backup Defenders have played Particularly well in the last couple of Years as well I just think that there is A good chance that if Spurs continue to Build up a small deficit over the next 10 games that that Liverpool can't catch Them um especially with the amount of Football on on display which is why I Think they could finish fourth but to be Honest I think they'll be fourth or Fifth just on Spurs being potentially Outplayed by other teams who maybe Should be ahead of them in the table but They're not like Spurs have not been the Best team maybe a ically or XG wise but Yet they are top of the league and yet They and they what only three months Very very small number of games yeah I Know and they very very short like Period into a new manager they could get Better they could continue to improve There's no we're talking about all these Other teams going well they'll Eventually overt take them there's no Guarantee that Spurs can't keep going And I think we saw from Gary O'Neal on Monday Night Football how important Having time to prepare for each game Specifically is going to be for these Managers and Spurs can do that they can Take almost like a tailor made approach To each game that they can come up Against this here because they don't
Have European football they don't really Have anything else to distract them but To focus on games by games basis so I Think that is an incredibly powerful Tool sure but that rarely actually is The case like I mean it's normally the Case for maybe one team out of the top Four but it's not like every season we See the top four changing over to a huge Extent because of the teams that are not In European football you know having Fewer games it's just not really how it Works I'm not disagreeing I think Spurs Can improve in lots of ways but my point Is that they are not currently playing Like one of the four four best teams in The I would say they probably need to Because we're not far enough into the Season that the number of points they've Built up on their Rivals is that Significant like those points can get Overhauled pretty quickly when we're Talking about the difference between say 16 points and 21 points if it were like A 10-point gap and we were halfway Through the season then yeah I'd agree And I do think they can get better but I Do still think that their injuries the Injuries they can get are potentially More damaging I think a Madison injury Is way more damaging to them than almost Any injury to one of their Rivals Because cuz I think most their Rivals
Are significantly deeper than them yeah I'd tell your point about the top four Not changing very much but I think That's that's uh it's a difficult one in That it's rare that a team that misses European football can improve by so much Just by a complete philosophy change by All the new signings hitting the ground Running by a sort of mood change around The club so I do think Spurs have a Higher potential than most sides that Miss out on European football to to Vastly improve on that okay all right That was a really good debate Lads I'm Going to give the points to Henry and Patrick Henry and Patrick I thought Everybody defended themselves well okay You guys need to put one to six now on This one one to six rate these Goalkeepers from best to worst one being Best just your opinion I guess Vicario Rya ramale Sanchez Onana and Pope just to be clear so not our just General perception of them it has to be Based on this season I think right now If I went to you rate these goalkeepers That's it and whether you take that Whole time or you take this season over Their whole time that's sorry so go over Them again Rya ramale Rya ramsdale Vicario Sanchez Onana and Pope okay Lads three two one reveal I Should have done mine like yours Onana Is number one for James Onana is second
For Pat and okay four for diey all right Sanchez bottom for most few but James Vicario has him bottom just trying to Look at the biggest talking points Jam Got vario bottom Henry's got Vicario top That's quite a big point would say yeah T i kind Of in but no I've been test from the Three seasons that he's been like a Prominent Pro like Vicario hasn't Actually put a foot wrong as a Footballer and I I guess it's difficult Because he hasn't really been tested in Like Champions League European football But then this this league this this this Group is so subjective really I think it Does changed like all the time I think Sanchez I don't think I've seen enough Of him really like consistently at the Very top level have we all got him Pretty low down yeah okay okay so yeah I Think we can all roughly agree like Sanchez is at that doesn't mean these Are all great Keepers by the way um it's They're pretty good i' say most of them Are pretty good they're quite a similar Level I actually rate all these Keepers Yeah it's good to see like Pope rated Pretty highly I think it's like he goes Kind of underrated same thing same thing As Vicario right he just hasn't really Put a foot wrong ever he a solid keeper He doesn't have the passing range that Like pretty much everyone else on this
He might be the best shot stopper though Yeah possibly though I think you know Anan at his best is pretty phenomenal And so is ryer actually ramsdale I'd say Is slightly below average shot stopper But when you think about you know Getting Arsenal back into the Champions League like and given his age as well You know like he's the youngest here um That's that's pretty significant I mean Anana though title winner in the Netherlands Champions League final with Inter was probably the man of the match I think in that game and and you know Has had has had a very good career Relative to now letting go in for fun Sure but I mean few months he post for Man United and they're crap and they Suck at everything I think people Expected it though with Anana like Everyone was saying oh he's going to Make mistakes it's going to take time to Settle in and when he makes time no but He has he made a l be the season yeah But that everyone caveated it with he's Going to make mistakes at the start of The season it's going to take time for Him to bed in because things are a bit Up in the air and they're going to have To change their whole style of play Because David de did not have any were Near the ball playing capabilities and It's happening like everyone expected And people are acting like it's shocked
He's also playing behind unbelievably Ram it's not really been the concerning Thing is it's not really the ball Playing that's getting him in trouble It's like just the shot stopping like Which was supposedly quite a solid part Of his game I think he's had a really Bad few months I've got him second off Over his entire career same with Ry like Up until the last few weeks ry's never Really done anything wrong in the Premier League's playing his worst Football probably yeah I've got him Fifth I probably should have have him Fourth ahead of Sanchez really when I Think about it I just think that the When I compare these two Ramel and Rya I Think well for for me goalkeeping is It's become quite subjective now it Depends what you like in a player Because obviously for me Edison's really Highly rated but he's not the best shot Stoer he's not great on one-on ones but He doesn't really need to because of the Style of play he's got bonehead Jean Though yeah he's he's yeah but he's Great fun to watch he's high Entertainment which I love the Occasional disaster class for Edison is Always my favorite do think Sanchez and Rya have been on a similar level you Know coming into this season especially And then ry's just it it's it's the fact That he made the decision to go to
Arsenal knowing that he's going to Compete and he's not stepped up to the Challenge I think we're seeing his I Think we're seeing his ceiling Personally I think we're seeing his Ceiling um where I think ramsdale we Haven't seen it yet Sanchez for me I'm Not I haven't really watched Sanchez too Much to really know if he's better than Than Vicario um he's had a solid time at Brighton solid time is you've got him Better than Ry and Vicario well that's The thing I think I'm going to I should Swap these ones don't do that if you do That you lose Points do that that I'll swap these two Just so you're going to swap Ryan um S I mean ramale again probably didn't Have his best start of the season but he Was pretty good for the vast majority of Last year but has been related twice Obviously he was playing for very poor Sides so that feels a bit harsh to to Criticize him with but I feel like he's In a slightly different League to Pope And Onana and even David ryer in terms Of what he's achieved in the Premier League so far Vicario started really Well at Spurs that's why I've got him Fourth and then Sanchez I think he's Been fine for Chelsea but he was dropped What became what third choice at Brighton um and yeah is is a just Doesn't have anything as exceptional as
Other parts of these players okay um I'm Gonna give a point to Doogie Thank you the late push let's move on to A new thing that I'm bringing to team Talk exactly on big man exactly you say Uno hot or not no no not hot I'd love to Hot or Not attct attct me you're a Coward or am I not well that's needy so Not no I'm going to put Des no one likes Desperation point is a point I don't Want okay all right then Um all right the actual one um we doing Is building the perfect footballer so I'm going to go through body parts of a Footballer and kind of suggest what that Means so I might say legs which is pace For instance and you go the best I mean It's other stuff as well for sure but It's the best way we can describe it all Right as simple as that we're going to Start with the feet first who has the Best right foot in the world right Foot David Beckham so specifically right Foot currently playing oh currently Playing let's put that Cav out out there Right now I don't even know if he's Right footed all right three it's risky Jim it is risky confident three de Bruers one Tony Cruz why Tony Cruz over Say a Kevin De bruyne I don't know he Just a different kind of player like I I'm perfectly fine with it being de Broner I'd also be fine with it being Trent Alexander Arnold um but but Tony
Cross I just think it's such a pure ball Striker like he's incredibly reliable he Plays a different game like de brona Plays a lot of lower percentage passes Um he gets a little bit more licensed in That sense but Tony Cross I just Basically never see do anything bad like In possession I'm not saying that de Broner does I'm just saying that like Tony cross's job is to never give the Ball away and that is pretty much what He does he's probably the best Progressive passer in the world and Maybe the best Progressive passer we've Seen in the world over the last 10 years I would say um he always scores Incredible goals that that he makes look Unbelievably simple like his ball Striking from the edge of the area is a Real danger um he also creates a lot of Chances from Deep actually but Tony Tony The Testament to Tony Cross is that I Actually can't stand this player I've Never I've never enjoyed him I just Don't enjoy watching him at all but he's Undeniably amazing at what he does um so Yeah I just think he's kind of got to go In there and also somebody who's this Bad defensively and this slow playing For what what has been you know either The first or second best club in the World over the last decade playing for Them consistently that shows how how Good he is at passing because that's
Essentially the one thing he does and He's unbelievable out it so yeah I just Put Tony Cross in I I will say for kdb Like he is operating predominantly in The final third and if you want someone To put a ball on a six spin for any Striker in the world like Kevin De Bruyer is is I think the person you go To at this moment you just have to look At his assist tally not just for Harland But in year after year after year like He is in the danger zone finding the man Constantly and I think if he played for Real Madrid if he played for a different Side I think we already consider him the One of the greatest midfielders ever to Play in the Premier League but I think He would be a different level of like Legend if he was at a real sorry to say It James like Real Madrid so what you're Saying is he hasn't achieved as much as He could have uh I just I just think He's held think he's held back I think He's held back think he's held back by The stigma which comes with Manchester City despite achieving an incredible Amount in his career like I I think when We when I think of Paul skulls and his Ability to like find a man I think like This is the next greatest guy since that In terms of just being able to pick a Pass from anywhere and I I just think Some of his players so Majestic and his Ability to swing a ball in whatever like
I don't think you can Overlook de bruyne On the basis that he's a playing more Attacking role yeah it's one of them Ones where it's like if you have the Ball on the right hand side you like any Attacking Man City player just they just Go because they know that de bruyne will Find him it's very simple for me that he Has the best right foot cuz if if the Ball is on the right side there is Nobody on this planet who i' want more To put the ball in than KY B yeah I Think modri has a good chot well I I Went De Bron yeah I also think though C Cross did actually play as a 10 earlier In his career and did kind of win a Treble doing that um and then went Deeper you know so I just think you know De bruer is he good he's Right one of De Broner's problems as Well is that his feet are attached to His hamstrings and his hamstrings are Crap like they fall apart all the time Because they're made of cheese strings Okay so I'm going to give the point To Pat which means we're going to pick Tony Cru won But I I would agree that it's probably Kev to bruyer however I felt like I Think his decision making is like yeah I Don't Think weirdest Frankenstein player that Aru you should have argued kdb a little
Bit better I felt like you guys kind of When we do their face when are we doing Hot on not face yeah well then you're a Coward and you don't deserve a play his Face a part of this um we'll see what We'll see how long get there seriously Debate to be had though um okay on to The next part the left foot now of Course once we suggested one of these Players that they go into it so you can Still say KD B um you can't say in the end so you Can't say Tony Cruz again essentially Well left fo I'm G You could argue that And get a point left foot guys left foot Oh left foot who's got the best left Foot in the world three two one reveal Yes doie give him the points give him The points right now stepping up with a Strong Answer shakiri yeah he plays to Chicago And he blls out Jam who teally wait wait We' already got a change we've already Got a change sword Messi just his Name it just feels like you shouldn't be Allowed to have people playing in America yeah okay look they might as we Won't accept Messi for the answer we Won't accept Messi are you Serious Ien hey hey Messi the answer Messi is The answer but I'll let people pick a Difference so we have to give a non- Messi answer non messy
Answer well apparently not he booed he's Bed so you can argue that when you guys Are writing I'll just take it away with Shakiri have you seen some of his goals In Tournaments for Switzerland honestly Insane and you talk to anyone at Liverpool not that I've talked to them Personally they said shakiri had the Best left foot at Liverpool during his Time there over Robertson over Salah uh And yeah he might not be the most robust Physically he might not be you know the Quickest he might not be the best Dribbler but in terms of using that left Foot to create magical moments Perfecto Mag I love that that's amazing who jump In I I well apparently got it wrong he's Apparently right footed but son is So that it doesn't really make a Difference interpret it as wrong foot Then son does have the probably the best Wrong foot but I genuinely think he's I Was thinking about Harland cuz I know He's left footed but he's actually Misses a lot of chances so if I'm Thinking specifically just a left who is Probably the most clinical and deadly Striker of the ball um in the Premier League we got the passing on the right So want the finishing on the left um I Think son hun Min is a a shoe in for me Got a couple of other shs oh I've got I'll just go I'll say or just cuz I well
I don't know I mean like I'm I'm just Going through them in my mind and I Think you know Salah yeah Igard maybe someone like David Alaba Even like does have an amazing left foot But I think Ard is again a really clean Ball Striker he's obviously Super Creative he's one of the few kind of Like he's he's he's very he's a very Modern kind of number 10 and he's left Footed but he's such a goal threat and He over the last year and a half his Ability to turn quite low quality Chances into goals purely through the Quality of his ball striking is pretty Is pretty Sensational stuff um there's Probably somebody else really really Mar left footed yeah he's very left but I Mean Henry how many times have you Changed that answer well the shakiri one Was more in like revolt against Messi Bothered for us to sit here and say Messi but now I thought about it like I Do love shakiri and as you say some of His goals are textbook but I think this Is it is one of the greatest careers um That I can remember like his impact Certainly that Real Madrid side when he Was doesn't matter about his career Though talking about his left foot which You asked if he was left he is very one Footed though with his left one footed I Think his ability
Like I think like the fact he's left Footed makes him so deadly cuz like Defend it's just more rare for a Defender to come up against a genuinely Well class left footed player and that's What made him such like a threat in that Real Madrid side Rob was better also Super fo Mar was way more so what is What is the rules are we allow to Retired players he is playing for Benfica these days so yeah I think and Maria uh yeah what a Magical okay so think Philip ctit needs A shout very good Crosser and Paris as Well very good you can give him that Shout Philip ctit trying to earn points Got a very good I'm going to give point To doie what the but the answer is the Answer is messy the answer is Messy the answer is I like how they just Came in a game of n many as many Left our next part of the human body Okay oh my God moving is actually inside The body the mind Oh which footballer has the best mind And what I put for this is kind of what Are you saying game Intelligence is God I like it three two One Reveal okay nice anyone want to give a Little bit of a props to to modri why is His mind so much better than others I'm Really glad that we didn't put really Have that many physical attributes but
He's been one of the best if not the Best midfielder of his generation in the Latter part of the generation you know Javi and has to come into it but um yeah I think he's just excelled in a in a Time where the game's getting more and More physical and he's just been Brilliant we give a shout out to pedri Feel like pedri could be the Super mind Of the future the super M the mega m b Would have been the I think the nailed On win for this years yeah okay that's Quite nice I think he's probably the Smartest football I've ever seen I was Tempted to go rodri but I knew I get Shouted out cuz he's crap Yeah um I'm going to give a point all Round tucked in sh means it's Point hate It um all right moving on to our next One it's not the war stop tucking in Your shirt we go from the head the Mind the head damn it so close uh but Heading Ability what in God's name is happen who Is the best in the world at heading I Don't even know three two one reveal Kane dorson Sergio Ramos Nico Gonzalez That's a good answer wow okay per per Meter this guy very good he's very small He's very good in the air about the Heading dwon Is tell me what Craig Dawson is good at Nothing exactly so he dominates people In the air every single Prem every
Single Premier League manager absolutely Loves working with him uh because he's a Physical monster he's not very good at Anything football-wise but in terms of What he brings defensively physicality Marked Harland out the game made him Look like he was even there um so yeah Craig Dawson is the best header of the Football scores goals too Occasionally who didone else he's gone Harry Kane which I like well I just Think he's just one of the most complete All round Strikers we ever SE I think His heading is often underrated you know Did you see his head at the weekend Unbelievable so Bund but no I think his heading is we Often think about his like ball striking His ability to like pass but like I Don't think his heading is often Appreciated as much as it should be and At the end of the day like he has to be The complete package to score as many Goals as he does and that's that's why I've put him up there because I think You could put the ball anywhere to him And he will there's a good chance it Will score head of being one of those so Yeah okay I like it uh Sergio Ramos Obviously now not necessarily in his Prime per se played against Real Madrid Yeah um for Sevilla do you think his Heading is still well I couldn't put in Santi cazola um and I've seen San Kaza
Score a header which when you think About it is mental um yeah I think Serio Ramos like was obviously always he not The tallest guy no he's six foot and um Yet was always an enormous aerial Present present defensively and Offensively like the guy scored so many Goals clutch goals and obviously later On he was taking penalties for like Reasons passing understanding but I just Think that he was such a threat at both Ends of the pitch and in that sense was Um a real air to the kind of Soul Campbell John Terry types you know who Would bag really clutch goals but Sergio Ramos clutch goal you know like scores Scored headed goals in like Champions League finals like he's he's such an Important player and his goal record is Pretty staggering for a proper Center Back so I don't know just think you got To put him in there on Henry's lines Cristiano Ronaldo's very good in the a He is very good he doesn't play anymore Last season Olivier XU scored the most Expected goals of his head last year I Think Olivier XU is a header is Olia sh Is not on the board Nico Gonzalez is Respect the small guys this guy's like 55 very good in the air who he's a if You want for agility maybe rather than Heading they tried to head but each Other into the if all four going up for The ball who wins he's not winning I
Think of these guys probably Dawson okay Think points are going be serious right Now to James you it we've given The building perfect footballer with Head head to Cant what about J all right going on to The Legs up and down it pace Who is possibly the fastest footballer But you would have for the perfect Footballer okay three two one Reveal I'm not joking when it comes to Dribbling there is no other answer this Guy is the ultimate beast and if Craig Dawson's sneaking in for headers and Shakir boting the is L this is less of a Of like a joke answer like for Pace I Feel like trickier like ability to beat The men yeah absolutely like a lot of These guys in terms of like intricate Moves in terms of pure Pace getting to The sideline and getting a crap cross in No I'm than a d if we're looking for a Guy to play on the break for a Relegation Level side then yeah we Should pick a Dhat his legs but if we Want somebody who can do it you know at A level above Sunday League then we Should go somebody else no but he's the Quick he is the quickest guy in Football is he faster than mbappe is he Faster than cold war yeah Sure I mean he is built like a sprinter He also just looks faster as well cuz he
As Pat says he kind of Sprints he Doesn't dribble he doesn't run with the Ball the ball's like miles in Front he also just look so bizarre cuz He's so Stacked please finish there's like Random guys that hit like certain speeds Like Rasmus hland is technically one of The quickest in the world like Shalo Becka I think random the no no no I Think Adat all things like the dribble Numbers that he's put up in his time in The Premier League speak for itself Like's a very good dribbler but but it's Not really we're not really talking About dri dri I would say these are more Dribblers cuz these are better players And therefore dribblers we're talking About pure Pace P I think mbapp is as Fast as TR I mean like I've seen mbappe Toast people like to the degree that Like they can't go home anymore like He's just unbelievably fast and um and Also like the sensation of speed Watching mbappe I think is really Exciting like mbappe gets you out of Your chair whereas a Dharma tror like Turns off the TV you're just like oh We're at this stage of a match are we Great where whereas with with mbapp You're just like oh my God something Insane is happening but when you think About that game against Argentina where Mbappe was just like I could just run
The length of the pitch I mean it was it Felt like a seismic moment in World Football it's it's the quality of Control with the speed for me with Mbappe it's just Undeniable okay and he can do it all Game whereas a d TR like I don't know How I'm carry so much weight now I don't I don't know I don't have the stats but I feel like vishes Junior be slightly Faster with the ball than mbappe but Mbapp might be faster off the ball That's just more of a hunch than Anything is more of a push and go guys Yeah I think venicius jior is an I think They're both exceptional tribers please Don't put a Darat go going out going out on a limb There mbapp so James and Pat get a point I get do I get a point for my argument Um I will take a point off if you like You don't get you're like asking for a Yellow some else has been up since 5m. I didn't really know what to put for Torso think uh you didn't know what to Put for torso like what to relate it to So I've got no no no no no because I've Got that for later uh so I've got Defending okay well just has an ability Yeah essentially I th on there so torso You're defending who's the best at Defending three two one Thiago Silva Ruben Diaz Virgil Van djk Oro Ruben Ruben is simply my favorite
Defender in the Premier League I think What he's done since coming in from Benfica I think it's like leadership as Well like he's amongst a load of World-class under halfes at Manchester City that constantly get rotated he is Like the standout figure for me I think He's so young and so like impressive as A Defender I don't think he's ever Really put a foot wrong I don't remember Anything that he's ever done wrong and It's difficult for him to truly stand Out because he plays in a team that is Constantly like pressing forward but He's such a solid addition he's so young Isn't he like 27 no I think he's like Old is it 26 yeah he's big time but yeah he's just Joined young I think the money they Spent on him was quite a relative gamble For like a center half coming out of Portugal and yet he's like Steps up so Much he's just yeah I think for me Personally he's one of the most rounded The most rounded defender in the Premier League at the moment got great to as Well I think um you said there with Ruben Diaz he's surrounded by worldclass Players I think Virgil Van djk has done It without worldclass players around his Side like I think we've seen the drop Off when he's not there we all know People I mean it's a very obvious shout Because everyone's saying he's been the
Best you know argued to be one of the Best defenders in the Premier League um And it's just he's continued to be so so So good I know he's had a bit of a dip But what he's done in the Premier League You just can't argue with and um I Genuinely think for an individual Defender uh you can't really look past Vbd yeah nice Ruben Diaz respect because He wasn't even City's first choice I Think he was third choice for the I Think they want to Jules kundai that Summer as well um I thought araho was Someone a bit different when he is fit I Think he is one of the top three center Backs in the world I know he's not as Fit as some of the others um but yeah I've rarely see him have a bad game and He's come in as a pretty much an unknown From Uruguay and become one of the best Defenders already and he is a fair bit Younger as well as he bought 23 um so Yeah I think as a one-on-one Defender He's he's pretty unbeatable okay Thiago Silva a little bit older actually might Be starting to see slight decline of him This season sure but I mean like he's 38 Like I mean this is a guy who's been at The top level now for nearly 20 years Like and he's done it in multiple Leagues he's doing it in a crap side I Mean I think we can give him that but I Just I just don't see him make wrong Decisions that's the thing about him
Like I I always find Man City Defenders Like very hard to judge because I think Most of what they do is not really Defending and the side kind of breaks up Breakaway uh attacks in lots of Different ways you know with like Tactical fouling rotations things like That um it's not it's not anything Against them but I think to be a Pep Guardiola Defender he almost prioritizes Different things um and as shown by the Fact that every season he kind of like Brings somebody in from the cold and Pushes somebody out but Thiago Silva I Just think to me being a great defender He he's good he's good at everything He's good passer he's good in the air um But what I never see him do really is Just do something stupid he he is so Reliable Thiago Silva and he has been For such a long time obviously has won Titles in France has won titles in Italy Um has won the Champions League with Chelsea which they did on the back of That defense where I would say he was The key player he and you know goo Conte Um yeah I just think the Thiago Silva is Like you almost don't notice he's there Because of things he does even in the Arsenal game this weekend there were Times where he was under pressure from a Guy who was half his age and much faster Than him he just strolled away like he Wasn't under pressure at all just
Amazing to me I I just think Thiago Silva is the prototype for the mon Center back I get his 2015 torso in but It's 2023 2023 um you can't just take Doie For but but that doesn't matter you know We pck modri going to go tho Silva I am But it was close Henry by way that's Crazy you Pio come on you you were not In the conversation so this one is Physique so strength so strength other Than torso strength and physique a Different things mus the but it's just This is about strength whose body would You like yeah this is about the strength You know the strongest football Strength so not not aesthetically just Pure like actual yeah not how they look But the strength three two one Reveal oh what is happening I mean okay Interesting um you've gone with ring Sterling very different to the build With the other players here why um Similar to kind of what Pat was alluding To he has been surprisingly physical Throughout his time in the Premier League I remember before he joined City Uh we played Li City sorry man city Played liverpol ipool and he pushed Yaya Tore off the ball and from that moment On I was like okay this guy is actually You know very physically imposing for a Very small person and very young at the Time and he's just continued that you'd
Be very surprised when you watch him how Easily he shrugs off players it's it's Well going back to yot Tor he he says Kind of using your your butt is actually Quite a key thing and Sterling actually Does that quite a lot he's very good at Getting in between you and the ball and Making it very difficult for you to get The ball off him I think he's very Underrated when it comes comes to Strength um and I think as he's getting Older his actual you know physique is Getting better so he's actually stronger Than he was when he when he was younger When he could push someone like Yaya Tor Off the ball um I just think it's Something that people don't really Recognize people have never really Recognized and if you watch him and you Have a think okay this guy's Surprisingly strong let's see if he's Surprisingly strong you would be Surprised yourself okay you've G for Jude Bellingham yeah I mean he hadn't Been mentioned on football daily for 10 Minutes so it was Time I think he's been yeah phenomenal This season I think his physical Strength is is really underrated for Someone who's 20 I've never really seen Him lose or get dominated physically by Anyone and obviously you know you see His technical strength as well um but This is a guy who's yeah just looks like
He was born for the the most congested Most intense Arenas around and I think He comes out on top in pretty much every One of them um yeah it might not be Recognized playing in Spain as his core Strength but he's done it for England in Pretty much every game he's played as Well um I just think yeah strength is an Underrated part of his game earling he Should play in a top POS top competition That would be good um he doing all right In Champions League but he's barely Played um I think M Antonio was was was Almost I'm totally serious like M Antonio I think would have been a Completely reasonable shout for this um Or someone like jiru jiru is super Strong as well but Holland just has that Kind of Center forward ability he also Uh uses his strength in what I would Describe as a very underhand way like he Is a bit of a cheat which I quite like Um you know he gives people a little Shove he's the fact that he can kind of Use his strength while traveling at Speed I think is really really Impressive but he's one of the few Strikers in the world who can go up Against basically any Center back except For William CA and um you know kind of Match them except except for Craig Dawson and match them for strength um Yeah he's just like an absolute force of Nature the way that he will create space
To get a shot off in the Box purely Through you know like windmilling his Arms a child is is kind of remarkable uh One of the reasons he has he always has Space is yeah because he reads the game Well but it's also just because he the Stiff arm he should really be playing as A Winger for rugby Team okay Leon gareta yeah so I think Actually with Harland and to an extent Of the moment we're seeing with Bellingham like it's very much like Their mentality as well we see him like Really battling and getting in the faces Of opposition players I still think They've got like time to grow into their Bodies in terms of like natural fullon Developed physique and absolute beast in Theid field I think gretka we there's That famous picture of him looking Absolutely ripped in the center of the Park he's I as like a kind of midfielder Who can do both you can defend and push Forward an equal measure who's physical Who's willing to win tons of aial Jews And whatnot I think gretka is is pretty Perfect by that and I think he's I know He had a bit of a difficult campaign Last season but then all of Bayern Munich had a difficult campaign by their Standards last season I think it's Underrated what he has like contributed To that b Midfield alongside kimich There's a they were widely considered
One of the best defensive sort of Duo Midfield Duos sorry for a very long time And yeah I think them at the moment well Mentally weak I don't think G is Mentally weak like you know you made an Argument earlier that Cruz had won a Treble at Bayern Munich I'm pretty sure Gret has won countless trophies at Bayern Munich in his time there too so Yeah I just think as a sort of built Central midfielder something that I Think Bellingham will become gret is Already there okay I'm going to have to Give strength guys to Harland which means Pat gets the Point it's bit like a messy sh well is It you could you mean as in there's an Obviously correct answer and I chose it Okay our last one is involving the whole Body I guess but I just wanted to get in There oh this is the skin go on yes he's Got Skills like who's got the best skin In skin would you like to wear the most Skillful player now you have used mbapp Already in your pace answer so who's the Most skillful player that we can add to Perfect honestly right about Kaz I was Honestly right about Kaz he a perfect Blend of all this stuff I'm really Struggling who's the most skillful Player you just look at my answer yeah Just had a PE you son of a all right Three two one reveal Vinnie junor Vinnie
J and Usman demele oh Usman Deele I Changing my answer I mean no no no no no No come on my second change of theour V Jun Vinnie Jr is unbel like first of all He's Brazilian which is heads up like That's a win home home of sber uh I Don't think for me he's more of like an Out andout Winger in terms of like Pace I think he's more of a pace Winger in Terms of actual skill ability and tight Spaces like in trickery this guy has Literally been hacked down in La Liga For two years straight because of his Ability like but has down and you Wouldn't call him skillful no he is Skillful he is skill like we saw you Remember that Manchester City game where He like let the ball run through his Legs burst through and scored like an Unbelievable goal in that seminal the Champ League de I think you know the fact he Can take fre kicks penalties on either Foot as well he doesn't know what foot He is like the fact he can do skills off Either foot like if he didn't love Playing FIFA so much I think we'd be Talking about one of the best players of His generation like he's just not really Mentally at it he's looked outrageous This season mentally at it weekend League that's tested he's looked Outrageous so far this season was my Even in that PSG game I don't know why
Joe was arguing me about you know the The Newcastle game like he was dropping Like cuz he was paying as less of a Conventional Winger when you're a Winger And teams find you high upfield in space That is very different from when you're Dropping into Midfield like someone like Greish does as well like Bernardo Silva Does and you're doing it in a more Congested area I don't know I just think Usman dembele he is a perfectly balanced Footballer duges is absolutely right Like Vinnie is also a very good answer But with Vinnie you do know that he is Going to favor his right foot with us Man dembele you literally have no clue What is going to do and neither does he Cuz he plays you know about six games a Season but those games those games Zachary Al Alis was a panic I had foden No you don't say I had foden cuz I was Like no but he's not skillful in the Same way like it's more the half turn That kind of operating in tight spaces And then I thought about um what what What is a club that I get you know that Bring in the most skillful players at Least Champion the most skillful players And it was Palace and I should really Put zahar in here because zahar been That guy for for a while now I just Panicked to put a Lis fair enough I love That I think we should go for AIS let's Make this as weird as I'm going to go
For Vinnie Jr I'm going for Vinnie Jr on Skills I don't care about whether he can Take a free kick on skills this is about Taking on your man and whil I do agree Demell is that I'm going to go with v Junor because you mentioned the left fo But we've got we've got shakiri and Shakir's left foot we don't need any Others is messy but this is going to be The worst play all time you manag to Create a player would wouldn't start for Wolves this is when you have that piece Pap W exactly are we done have we done We are done uh you can debate whilst George texts me his the best looking if You want best looking player I think That the current I've got a couple Currently football's not great are we Actually writing down for hot guys um Can we go all time I'll let you go all Time for this all time most attractive Play right now I don't know man well Let's move on then could we're coming in Technically are we not showing our Answers he will once I say name this is Come on man all right on Four Points Henry Hill who he thinks shaby Alonzo Gorge coming in on Four Points James he's gone with the answers Historical and current St I I go for the best looking guy at Man City who do I fancy the most in Football is J stones for looks reason True coming in with four points doie
Kitley who's gone for I've gone for two I've gone for Robert Sanchez who I Think's underrated and Gonzalo penia Used to play for IR track Frankfurt look Him up very good looking guy don't know Where he is now he somewhere in Portugal And the winner of his last ever team Talk Patrick Van who is the prettiest member of Football thank you thank you I had to be Well taken care thank you thank Youer so the player let's go okay so the Mind of the player rank is Luca Mod The Head and the face essentially is Craig Dawson oh my God the Torso is Thiago Silva the physique is Harland so he's Quite tall as Well the legs is kin M Baff oh my God The left foot is messy but with a little Bit of shakiri there and the right foot Is Tony Cru and the skills of Vinnie Jr Pry hell of aart from D hell of a player Daon Heading it could have probably been Kane As well but there we have it that has Been us creating the perfect player on Team talk I hope you guys have enjoyed If you have then make sure you watch all The other content on football daily get In the comments below and let us know What you thought and who would be your Perfect player using that same system That we've used subscribe daily like the Video we'll catch you guys very very
Soon bye bye can't

Nochu Singh, a vibrant and dynamic sports journalist based in the sunny city of Los Angeles, California, has been a prominent voice in the sports journalism community for over a decade. Born to Indian immigrants, Nochu grew up immersed in a rich blend of cultures, fostering a unique perspective that he seamlessly weaves into his storytelling.