Professional american lightweight boxer, WBC and WBO champion Adrien Broner with nickname “The Problem” against mexican top ranked athlete, WBC and WBA champion Antonio DeMarco with nickname “Tony”. Fight for WBC light weight belt took place in Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, USA on November 17, 2012. Spectacular and epic boxing match with knockout in HD, highlights.
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Adrien Broner (USA) vs Antonio DeMarco (Mexico) | KNOCKOUT, BOXING fight, HD
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Heading out of the blue Corner wearing Pink with white and black trim Officially weighing 134 1 12 lb his Professional record a perfect one Consisting of 24 fights 24 victories Including 20 Knockouts from Cincinnati Ohio The Undefeated Challenger former Junior lightweight champion of the world Adrien the Prop Browner and fighting out of the Red Corner wearing black with gold official Weight 134 1 12 lb also an outstanding Professional record consisting of 31 and One bout even he is the reigning Defending WBC lightweight champion of The world Thasos Tiana Mexico Antonio De Marco let's get some of these bodies out Of protect yourself at all times touch Him up Good Love in the big picture of the hurricane Damage may not matter very much doesn't Make much of a wave but in it is Big well in his last fight DeMarco Ste Down of the corner landed one straight Left hand the head you can't hit him on The chin it's not that you can't hit him On the chin with a pretty good shot it Just didn't bother Marco already has a Red Mar eye from the left
Hook Marco almost stumbled of his own B straight right hand by Broner lands again right on the spot With with the red mark and again those Are brothers left hook feel good good Good Allab let's go guys Get you know the redness around DeMarcos Valero in which he was simply beaten Down by a more accurate more L lar Didn't didn't have particularly heavy Hands though fighting at a slower Pace Was able to beat lar breast cancer Awareness Larry exactly Okay oh good Hook straight punches DeMarco once again Getting out what's happening is Demarco Is standing there with his head in one Spot he's not moving his Head you must move your head you see That you're never going to get out the Way of it if you're not mov Mar a class Fighter and a tough guy suggested that He thought he would roll through him in A few rounds Adrien Broner if he weren't Profoundly confident catches DeMarco Coming in with the left hand he's not Giving much head movement great left Hand across the top with the left Hook runer has not got to go to the body At some point to chance to win the fight Hey hey Here round three Begins at one time to a good fighter
Like a two punches in a row yet Well they're still in that situation Where each guy's trying to land one Authoritative punch at a time why would That be because they're trying to Establish respect for one another There's a body Blow by DeMarco a right Hook to the rib K Bron's moving up in weight to try to Take over that's why both Fighters are Throwing with such Authority on each Punch they throw and I can believe It good left to the he told him the last Fight that he outgrew the weight Class Hard right hand by Brun in a very calculated Deliberate if he's not careful he Accidentally walking to one but that's On Brer Bruner has to decide when he Wants to go to the ropes he's he's Comfortable right in the middle of the Ring and hoping to find an Opening Let's go right now you all right let's Go go go let's go you hear Michael Stafford two rounds to one 2928 Adrien Broner I DeMarco did win the Third round he started to move his hands A little better supposedly 25% for Defense watch Adrien Bron's defense very Interesting and he's not an easy guy to Hit keeps that shoulder very high and he Leads back away from the punches two to
One brona in the third round despite the Fact that he's now got that cut outside His right eye and incidentally you Mentioned Mike ramulo karte both of them Are the kinds of guys who spent the bulk Of their career focusing on amateur Fighters rather Than Marco can't win the inside fight Sharp right hand Inside by Broner and Another DeMarco with the right to the Body Broner lands an uppercut and Another we've got a fight breaking out In Atlantic City with a minute to go in Round four and BR is definitely getting The Best Of Run with the right Cross good body shot with the left hand By Brook another uppercut yeah because His hands are so much more quicker than DeMarco DeMarco can't win that fight Right there Marco lands a straight Left and exciting round crowd is rising For It causing DeMarco a lot of problems 5 Seconds Rer but I repeat he's fighting a guy who Lived on the streets of Tiana for three Years G through you your head is there Standing still you're not moving Anything you're moving by dearco and Follow with a great straight right hand Right down the Middle we've seen a lot of guys Roy with Quick hands who don't want to stand in
There and truthfully because of the Length of DeMarco's Arms This is the Best fight for B Fighters get to each other the more the Taller Fighters Advantage goes away That's exactly right and that's what's Happening here and not only That let's listen to Michael Stafford Now from the corner of Adrien Brer Broner just taking the Marco apart At the Moment under KN Underneath combination punches on the Inside of killing the Mar War Broner Broner goes right back to work on The inside Landing sharp punches for the Marco to continue to take him what do You think the warning was R well just When he got close to him he realized That his hands were too quick St away From him get close to him and get at Him waving to Broner come on in I want a Fight yeah but he's not doing well in The fight taking all these Shot and it's not looking good for him Right Now Yes so come on son left uppercut Followed by short overhand right which Was a beautiful combination actually a Short straight right beautiful let's see
If DeMarco can somehow get himself back Into the fight well now he's starting to Run from uh BR a little bit and know the Shots are starting to have an effect on Him interpreter Jerrys romulo karte told Antonio DeMarco he wanted to stop the Fight and DeMarco no sense in let him take this Type punishment he can Le the fight Another day absolutely so if he doesn't Tighten up here soon and make something Happen it' be smart to stop it because He's Getting Runner a 3 to1 favorite now looks like a 30 to1 favorite because he's going to Try to the end Marco looks slightly More Alive in this round but he's still Getting hit Ste tapping it that makes it Very hard for him to get Off see that Bron making him keep his Hands but Broner has a real Pace on him Right Now Broner with any one punch that Bunch Hurt very difficult to turn a body Punch and the smart thing about Brana is He's beating the body down he's not just Concentrating on the hand yeah now it Looks like a Comprehensive performance by tell me Truthfully how do you feel I'm good how Do you feel it and he's catching you and You're settling in and he's it's very Hard for him though because Bron has
Realized that the best fight for him is Harold how do you have it through six 59 54 five rounds to one Adrien Broner Think that he would go to plan B try to Move a little bit stand in front of this Guy change your fight I mean Circle step To the side do something different you Know box a little 5 to one Adrien Broner Harold apparently not a plan B Fighter there there's plan a and play Before the fight when he was brought the Pink glov a low blow and he's very Graphic about it in the dressing room Before talking about DeMarco they don't look all that good With strange that they bring the champ a Set of gloves and say this almost lost The fight right There 90% of the time in a situation Like this his whole Life well I used to say a fighter is in The pink but he's what you definitely k Count out until the last B Rings that's For sure or until the ref counts him out Because he Is roner has slowed down just slightly In this round that he Throws come on motivate yourself let's Go you know how to do the fight control The fight time he looked and easier to Him and he is backing it up racking him Up round after Round you saw the texting numbers at the Bottom of the screen which demonstrated
Brave on DeMarco's Behalf the thing you got time DeMarco Does throw two or three punches Runner Hits him with a good head shot between Those punches to make him Stop maros swinging away with the Straight left hand we got a glance in Hard Shots More Uppercuts and let him throw those pop Shots well it looks almost like he's Trying to tire runer out by taking Punches swinging left hook and they're Waving a white flag in been knocked down And his stopped on his feet against Valero well if this Was Broner he did what he wanted and his Supporters we're hoping for ninth round Technical heavily decorated American Amateur trainer Michael Stafford has his Cornman around him on the canvas in the Far Corner hoping another hook another Right to the body he had a good body and Head attack followed by left uppercut And down go and new WBC lightweight World champion now a two time champion Of the world from Cincinnati Ohio Adrien The Problem Broner

Nochu Singh, a vibrant and dynamic sports journalist based in the sunny city of Los Angeles, California, has been a prominent voice in the sports journalism community for over a decade. Born to Indian immigrants, Nochu grew up immersed in a rich blend of cultures, fostering a unique perspective that he seamlessly weaves into his storytelling.