Professional american middleweight boxer and WBA champion Daniel Jacobs with nickname “Miracle Man” against top ranked athlete and WBC champion Sergio Mora with nickname “The Latin Snake”. Fight for WBA middle weight belt took place in Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York, USA on August 1, 2015. Spectacular and epic boxing match with knockout in HD, highlights.
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Daniel Jacobs (USA) vs Sergio Mora (USA) | KNOCKOUT, BOXING Fight, HD
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On ESPN tail the tape for our first Featured F the night older more Experienced Sergio MOA against the Sergio MOA and across the ring out of the blue Corner Daniel Miracle Man [Applause] Jacob they're back back mou pece mou Pece okay Jen tell you two things Protect yourselves at all times and most Obey my commands at all times touch Club Bang at the Bell Danny Jacobs found a Massive tumor wrapping around His veteran 29 wins upper level Middleweight Titleist cancer survivor And taking on has been cut from head Clashes matter fact cut over his right Eye in his last fight and on the Floor Morris says when you talk about Jacobs Teddy the word that always comes Up is athletic but he says listen I'm Athletic too and I think I'm Smar under his left eye and over it by Head classes so both these guys in the Eyes every once in a While something you think we will see Tonight that you're going to see Especially when I tell you this last Stat Mora has been cut in 10 fights so There's scar toble to getting Cut Jacobs comes forward that Time right hand for more oh and he gets
For huge shot from Daniel Jacobs he opened up and went down you Leave an opening Jacobs C in on that Open and now Mora trying to utilize oh And great knockdowns in the first round Incredible start and let me Continue and leave yourself open can you Believe this start to Mora Jacobs here They Go the Latin snake not known for his Power but he was like a Viper There the better technique is Jacobs but This fight's not about technique right Now boy Jacob technique into good Technique in other words he's awkward And awkwardly clever finish up this First round Teddy your point Jacobs getting his legs Under right there and got final good Shot In but a saal round to open up the Saturday night of the PBC on ESPN let's Listen in you were like right down here And then you dropped him with a hook Here's Jacob scoring the knockdown that Started the Night and take a look at it here wide Left Hand by Mor you don't take a Picture after your punch and Jacobs came Back with the right Hand comes back coming in Reckless just Like I said Remember the mindset he's Got nothing to worry about all I got Something to worry about came in there
Didn't use his jab coming in there he Got caught put that up for a candidate Of round of the year right from the Start knockdowns to open up their 12th Rounder MOA and Jacobs and they went Right a double jab in right hand that Was blocked as Mora came forward just Trying to touch him with that power Surge looking to land something again Both guys on the floor the first we Rounds see was fair to Me six round of his last fight a fight We Called one loss in his career when perck Floored him by the way on the floor the Last Three he wants the Daily Double he needs To get cut a little bit of a shove there To push More Jacobs with an up jab trying to Search and land that right hand but he See how you just said and you use the Word elusive but the body does not move The stomach stays but the stomach Downstairs is there bernardo's in the Corner of Daniel Jacobs Bernie what's up There and said that's exactly what told Daniel Jacobs he said you got careless That's why you got caught but you can Break him down work the body and the Power put some water in that Basement and even though MO is not a guy With his legs but he does use his legs To go in and out
Very important and no better way to take The little air out of those Areas Jacob's trying to put down there's Some body work L at the left hand and MOA goes down again is this being ruled A knock down yes there's something wrong Here with the lake you can see him Limping badly there I don't know if it Was the knee or the right ankle start Here Mora a former Champion he needs to Remind himself of that right now That's it he Can't he is in serious pain badly on That right leg and he could not Continue got a look at that leg of Sergio J started attacking the body kept The pressure on Mora Mor went back take Another look here you can see the looks Like the right leg just slipped out from Take another look that right leg Collapses like a football injury we Would see yeah oh it almost makes you Think it would be the knee told at least What the referee told us Mor was Complaining about the ankle I Think Rosado just came over to me talked To me through the ropes he said he told Me you heard Sergio listen to this Conversation on that knockdown the leg Injury unable to continue going to look At that leg of Sergio Mor started Attacking the body kept the pressure on Mora Mora went back take another look Here you can see the looks like the
Right leg just slipped out from take Another look that right leg collapses Like a football injury we would see yeah Oh it almost makes you think it would be The knee told at least what the referee Told us more was complaining about the Ankle portion his leg There was going to get some medical Attention as he went down there and when He Did as Daniel Jacobs earns the 30th win Of his Career this is a scene right now at the Barlay center in Brooklyn as a corner Man is lifting a sensationally Entertaining while it lasted opening Fight Jacobs in the first round Brooklyn's very own Miracle Man for Mora But he got a little loose and MOA made Him pay the price look at that leg of Sergio J started attacking the body kept The pressure on Mora Mor went back take Another look here you can see the looks Like the right leg just slipped out from Take another look that right leg Collapses like a football injury we Would see yeah it almost makes you think It would be the knee told at least what The referee told us Mor was complaining About the ankle I think Daniel Miracle Man Jacob Up off the canvas is the health of Sergio MOA so let's check in with Tod Here with Sergio MOA the Danny Jacobs in
The first round Brooklyn's very own Miracle Man for Mora but he got a little Loose and Mora made him pay the price Look at that leg of Sergio Jacob started Attacking the body kept the pressure on Mor Mor went back take another look here You could see the looks like the right Leg just slipped out take another look That right leg collapses like a foot Ball injury we would see yeah it almost Makes you think it would be the knee Told at least what the referee told us More was complaining about the ankle I Think He's this is a scene right now at the Bar playay Center in Brooklyn as a Corner man is lifting a sensationally Entertaining while it lasted opening

Nochu Singh, a vibrant and dynamic sports journalist based in the sunny city of Los Angeles, California, has been a prominent voice in the sports journalism community for over a decade. Born to Indian immigrants, Nochu grew up immersed in a rich blend of cultures, fostering a unique perspective that he seamlessly weaves into his storytelling.